Monogamy Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 166 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Monogamy Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 166 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where had Annie last seen Sofie Kahn's name approximately 35 years earlier?
(a) On a Broadway billboard.
(b) In an advertisement for an orchestra concert.
(c) On television.
(d) In a New York Times review.

2. What is Annie's response to finding Rosemary sobbing in Graham's office?
(a) "Rosemary, what is wrong?"
(b) "Rosemary. I cannot believe it was Rosemary."
(c) "Rosemary, get out of my house."
(d) "Rosemary. Of course, it was Rosemary."

3. What happens as Annie listens to classical music?
(a) She falls asleep.
(b) She sings along.
(c) She imagines playing the music.
(d) She is overtaken by memories of her childhood with Sofie.

4. What is the reason Annie gives for why she is able to so fully forget the disturbing memory from her past?
(a) Annie had gone to therapy.
(b) Annie forced herself to forget the event.
(c) The event was just a dream.
(d) The disturbing event had ended well.

5. Why is Annie not uncomfortable with scattering Graham's ashes?
(a) Dead bodies do not bother her.
(b) She had dealt with the ashes of both of her parents.
(c) Grotesque things do not bother her.
(d) She tries not to think about the fact that the ashes are human ashes.

6. What had Graham called the place he wanted his ashes distributed?
(a) The flowerbed.
(b) The Garden.
(c) The yard.
(d) The rosegarden.

7. Why does Sarah feel jealous about Annie and Frieda's relationship?
(a) Sarah wants Frieda all to herself.
(b) Sarah wishes she also had a close female friend.
(c) Sarah does not want Annie to waste her time with Frieda, her father's ex-wife.
(d) Her mother shares her sorrow with Frieda in a way she would never with Sarah.

8. What advice had Annie given Lucas about Lucinda that had stuck with him?
(a) Find someone else, as she is not worthy of your love.
(b) The right woman will come into your life when you least expect it.
(c) You have world enough, and time.
(d) You will find true love, some day.

9. What is a metaphor used by the narrator for Annie being freed from her own family by spending time with the Kahns?
(a) A gate being opened.
(b) A window or door being opened.
(c) A rope untied.
(d) A fence being torn down.

10. How does Annie feel upon arriving in Vermont at the beginning of Chapter 24?
(a) It was a mistake to come to Vermont.
(b) She is excited to be near the lake.
(c) She feels famished.
(d) She is so glad she decided to come to Vermont.

11. What reason does Lucas give Jeanne for why he was so sad when scattering Graham's ashes?
(a) Lucas knew his father was gone for good.
(b) It was awful seeing such a large-spirited person be reduced to a few bits of bone.
(c) He regretted not allowing his mother to be a part of it.
(d) He wished his father had not been cremated.

12. How does Annie feel as she drives to Vermont in Chapter 15?
(a) She feels uncomfortable.
(b) She feels regret.
(c) She feels relief.
(d) She feels nervous.

13. What is the reason Frieda gives for why Graham would have an affair?
(a) He was lonely.
(b) His Grahamness. His appetite for everything.
(c) His physical needs were complex.
(d) He never could love just one person.

14. What had been Sarah's strategy to make room for herself between her parents?
(a) She would push them away from each other.
(b) She only spoke to her father.
(c) She was wild and noisy.
(d) She was quiet and shy.

15. In Chapter 18, for what time of day does Annie always wait?
(a) No specific time of day.
(b) Night.
(c) Morning.
(d) Evening.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Annie describe the memories of her friendship with Sofie, even though they had grown apart?

2. What does Sarah say she did not realize about her house growing up, in Chapter 23?

3. What does the looseness of Annie's childhood home mean to her and her siblings?

4. Why had Graham said people read fiction?

5. According to Frieda, what is the reason why each relationship is unique?

(see the answer keys)

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