Monogamy Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 166 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Monogamy Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 166 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Annie think about eating dinner in the indoor twilight?
(a) There is something sad about it.
(b) There is something spooky about it.
(c) There is something pleasant about it.
(d) There is something strange about it.

2. What is Danielle's response when Annie says she cannot make it to the gallery on Sunday?
(a) "Okay, no worries."
(b) "This better be good."
(c) "Can you stop by the show later this week?"
(d) "I hope everything is okay."

3. When Annie turns on the light at the end of Chapter 7, how do they both respond to seeing each other?
(a) They are nervous.
(b) They are shy.
(c) They are annoyed.
(d) They are surprised.

4. What important event has Graham forgotten in Chapter 2?
(a) Annie's photography show.
(b) His daughter's birthday.
(c) His lunch date with John.
(d) His bookstore's party.

5. When Annie walks in the house at the end of Chapter 6, how does the narrator describe the look on her face?
(a) Annie's face frowns a Graham upon seeing him.
(b) Annie's face looks old and worn.
(c) Annie's face looks sad and lonely.
(d) Annie's face opens to Graham in a kind of answer.

6. Why does Annie close Graham's eyes?
(a) She wants closure.
(b) She knows it is what you are supposed to do.
(c) She is trying to be respectful.
(d) She does not want to look at his strangely blank eyes.

7. From where does Karen tell Annie and Graham she has just arrived?
(a) Paris.
(b) The doctor.
(c) The beauty parlor.
(d) The grocery store.

8. What does Graham need to perform well, when sleeping with Annie these days?
(a) Lots of pillows.
(b) The magic blue pill.
(c) A great deal of sleep.
(d) A romantic movie.

9. What does Sarah find funny about she and Thomas lying in bed, looking up at the ceiling?
(a) They do not have much to talk about.
(b) They are like an old married couple.
(c) They are very awkward together.
(d) Her ceiling needs to be repainted.

10. Where does Annie meet Graham?
(a) At a singles party.
(b) At a bar.
(c) At work.
(d) At a party he is throwing.

11. What does Graham miss about the parties he and Annie used to throw at the bookstore?
(a) The celebrities.
(b) The dancing.
(c) The preparations.
(d) The deep conversations.

12. In Chapter 3, Graham remembers that after meeting Annie at his party he did not want what to happen?
(a) Her to get lost on her way back home.
(b) For her to return to the bookstore.
(c) For her to slip away.
(d) To look like a fool in front of her.

13. What advice does John give to Graham regarding ending his affair with Rosemary?
(a) To end it today.
(b) To be a little bit mean.
(c) To be kind.
(d) To do it quickly.

14. What does Frieda feel Annie does not know about Graham?
(a) Graham's love of music.
(b) The real Graham.
(c) Graham's family.
(d) Graham's continued love for Frieda.

15. What reminder does Annie have of Sarah, as a toddler, hitting her with a heavy toy?
(a) A white scar on her forehead.
(b) Regular headaches.
(c) A broken blood vessel on her arm.
(d) A crooked finger.

Short Answer Questions

1. When Annie asks Graham what is worrying him, what is his response?

2. How does Annie describe what happens to her body when she thinks about her love for Graham?

3. From who's perspective is this story told?

4. How does Frieda respond when Graham confides in her that he had an extramarital affair while married to Annie?

5. What does Annie think of Sarah's steady, maternal behavior?

(see the answer keys)

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