Monkey Business: Swinging Through the Wall Street Jungle Test | Final Test - Easy

John Rolfe (author)
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Monkey Business: Swinging Through the Wall Street Jungle Test | Final Test - Easy

John Rolfe (author)
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
Buy the Monkey Business: Swinging Through the Wall Street Jungle Lesson Plans
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. While recruiting for DLJ, what did Troob realize?
(a) He hated the way Rolfe was treated.
(b) He really did like his job.
(c) He wanted to be promoted.
(d) He was lying as he had been lied to.

2. How did the word processors perform their jobs?
(a) With a lot of passion.
(b) Very quickly and efficiently.
(c) Slowly.
(d) With little or not gusto.

3. What happened to the older bankers?
(a) They try to leave for the non-sector.
(b) They die alone.
(c) They were unmarried, lecherous, and perverted.
(d) They make less money.

4. How long could a road show last?
(a) 10 weeks.
(b) 2 weeks.
(c) 3 days.
(d) 4 weeks.

5. Performance reviews mark _______________ at DLJ.
(a) A new year.
(b) The end of the year.
(c) A time to reflect.
(d) A sad time.

6. When did Rolfe's disillusionment finally begin?
(a) He realized no women wanted to be around him.
(b) He lost his will to date.
(c) He began masturbating at work. He had no personal time.
(d) He refused to meet new people and became antisocial.

7. How are the workers of the copy center treated?
(a) The associates treat them like dirt.
(b) Like kings and queens.
(d) Not very well.

8. What physically happened to Troob?
(a) Sprained his ankle.
(b) Got grey hair.
(c) He lost his hair.
(d) He rapidly gained weight.

9. What did Rolfe receive very little _____ throughout the development of pitches?
(a) Alone time.
(b) Relationships with love interests.
(c) Sleep.
(d) Valuable time with friends.

10. In addition to edits, what else would upper management request changes on?
(a) Charts, graphs, and pictures.
(b) The bibliography.
(c) Header and Footer on each page.
(d) Text.

11. What did the associate who handles the final printing of the prospectus do?
(a) Relaxed and bid his time until it was time to print it.
(b) Reads it aloud to the client.
(c) Ran around the office like a mad man.
(d) Gets feed back from the copy center.

12. How did DLJ try to keep Troob from leaving?
(a) Treats.
(b) Manipulation and lied.
(c) Money.
(d) Bribes.

13. Who must approve all sales and values of securities?
(a) The SEC.
(b) The Fed.
(c) DLJ.
(d) The government.

14. What place was tied to the success of Troob and Rolfe?
(a) The word processing room.
(b) The travel department.
(c) The editing center.
(d) The copy center.

15. What happened when most of the senior execs left for the night at the end of a long work day?
(a) The real work began.
(b) Associates and analysts decided to go home.
(c) Everyone went to dinner.
(d) The associates had a party.

Short Answer Questions

1. How could DLJ find out about competitors' bonuses?

2. What new job did Troob find?

3. What was always well received by workers at the copy center?

4. No ___________ is spared in printing the prospectus.

5. If there were issues with the pitch book how did one make sure to get changes completed and reprinted?

(see the answer keys)

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