Money: A Suicide Note Test | Final Test - Easy

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Money: A Suicide Note Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 103 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When offering Martin the screenplay, how does he try to convince him?
(a) By doubling the price.
(b) By allowing him to meet the cast.
(c) By giving him shares of stock.
(d) By giving him a walk on role.

2. Butch wants the film to include what kind of scenes?
(a) Violent scenes.
(b) Romantic scenes.
(c) Explicit scenes.
(d) Funny scenes.

3. What does John begin to call the mysterious man who keeps calling him?
(a) George.
(b) Gregory.
(c) Frank.
(d) Harold.

4. What is Terry's last name?
(a) Leefer.
(b) Lossinger.
(c) Lilith.
(d) Linux.

5. Martina cannot handle which of the following?
(a) John's job.
(b) John's betrayal.
(c) John's sexuality.
(d) Selina's history with John.

6. Who punches a robber?
(a) John.
(b) Ossie.
(c) Martin.
(d) Fielding.

7. Why does Fielding hurt John?
(a) John hurt Fielding's daughter.
(b) He has no motivation.
(c) John stole money from him.
(d) John dated Fielding's girlfriend.

8. What word stops John from reading the book Martina wants him to read?
(a) Heroin.
(b) Pop-holes.
(c) Regards.
(d) Jealous.

9. Who does John try to punch when he returns to London?
(a) Selina.
(b) Barry.
(c) Alec.
(d) Martin.

10. What does Spunk change his name to?
(a) Sparky.
(b) S.J.
(c) Spanky.
(d) Sam.

11. In John's movie, what do the characters plan to sell?
(a) Crack.
(b) Exotic Cars.
(c) Marijuana.
(d) Heroin.

12. Which adjective describes John's feelings toward the mysterious caller?
(a) Irritated.
(b) Crazy.
(c) Nervous.
(d) Excited.

13. What weapon does the robber have?
(a) Knife.
(b) Pipe.
(c) Baseball bat.
(d) Gun.

14. Who gives money to John to help him get to London?
(a) Martina.
(b) Fielding.
(c) She-She.
(d) Selina.

15. Martina walks in on John when he is with whom?
(a) Spunk.
(b) Martin.
(c) Selina.
(d) Lorne.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who knew the entire time that there was no money for the film?

2. Who does the film character Doug represent?

3. How does John almost die in London?

4. At the end of the novel, which of the following is proved to not be a motivating factor for Martin?

5. John thinks that the way women are portrayed masks which of the following?

(see the answer keys)

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