Monday's Not Coming Test | Final Test - Medium

Tiffany D Jackson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 113 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Monday's Not Coming Test | Final Test - Medium

Tiffany D Jackson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 113 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What song was Claudia listening to on repeat in March: "The After"?
(a) "Blackbird."
(b) "All I Ask."
(c) "I Want Somebody to Dance With."
(d) "Yesterday."

2. On what social media site was the photo of Claudia and Monday posted?
(a) Myspace.
(b) Twitter.
(c) Snapchat.
(d) Facebook.

3. Who showed Claudia and Monday the picture online in February: "One Year Before the Before"?
(a) Ms. Valente.
(b) Sylvia.
(c) Mr. Hill.
(d) Trevor.

4. What did Ms. Valente do after speaking with Monday's mother, according to her story in February: "The Before"?
(a) She broke down the door.
(b) She called 911.
(c) She wrote to the paper.
(d) She called her social worker.

5. What boy was Paris dating in March: "The After"?
(a) Andre.
(b) Jacob.
(c) Trevor.
(d) James.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who is Jacob's brother?

2. Who sang "Pieces of Me"?

3. What talent did Claudia demonstrate at Megan's house in March: "The After"?

4. Whose work sheets was Claudia supposed to be finishing in the library in March: "The After"?

5. Where did Claudia go with Michael to look for Monday's father in April: "The After"?

Short Essay Questions

1. How is Claudia's experience at the soup kitchen described in January: "The Before"?

2. What happened in the encounter between Claudia and Michael at the party in March: "The After"?

3. How long has it been since the discovery of Monday's body in April: "The After"? Why is this important?

4. What is revealed to have happened to Monday in April: "The Before"?

5. How does Claudia describe Monday's body in the preface to January?

6. What happened when Claudia went into April's house in March: "The Before"?

7. How did Claudia gain information about Monday from the school nurses in January: "The Before"?

8. What happened in the encounter between Claudia and April in February: "The After"?

9. What happened when Claudia's parents went to the Charles home in April: "The Before"?

10. What happened when Claudia and Michael went to Baltimore in April: "The After"?

(see the answer keys)

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