Moll Flanders Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Moll Flanders Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does the governess get money from the baronet?
(a) by picking his pocket.
(b) by extortion.
(c) by begging.
(d) by returning his possessions.

2. What privilege do Moll and her husband get while anchored at Ireland?
(a) sending letters to friends in England.
(b) dining with the captain.
(c) going ashore to buy provisions.
(d) staying on deck.

3. What does Moll say is worse than being in want?
(a) being in prison.
(b) being old.
(c) being friendless.
(d) being helpless.

4. What hardens Moll's heart to become a professional thief?
(a) the thrill of not getting caught.
(b) fear of going hungry.
(c) the joy of having a profession.
(d) hoping to find her highwayman husband.

5. Who does Moll say put evil ideas into her head?
(a) the devil.
(b) the police.
(c) her highwayman husband.
(d) her governess.

Short Answer Questions

1. How old does she now admit to being?

2. What happens at the Barnet Stage?

3. Why does Moll put off the banker who now has a divorce?

4. What does she say he is probably most worried about now?

5. What does Moll learn about her banker?

Short Essay Questions

1. What causes Moll to continue stealing?

2. What is Moll's concern about having the baby in the rooming house where she is staying?

3. Explain what foils Moll's plan to marry the banker when she returns to London.

4. What adventure does Moll have at the gaming house?

5. Why is Moll so popular up north?

6. How does Moll eventually project her guilt onto someone else?

7. How does Moll turn her stolen goods into cash?

8. What passes through Moll's head as she marries the banker?

9. How is the governess able to set Moll up with the baronet after she robbed him in the carriage?

10. What event causes Moll to turn to a life of crime?

(see the answer keys)

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