Moll Flanders Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Moll Flanders Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What happens when Moll's husband learns she is poor?
(a) he beats her.
(b) he laughs and says it is no important.
(c) he gives her £1500.
(d) he deserts her.

2. When a woman friend of Moll's wants her to meet her brother, what does the man want?
(a) a mistress.
(b) a nanny for his children.
(c) her money.
(d) a maid.

3. What does Moll steal from a child?
(a) a bag she is carrying for her mother.
(b) a bag containing a few coins.
(c) a small gold necklace.
(d) her shoes.

4. How does Mill say she came out of the charge of robbing the silversmith?
(a) with fear and trepidation.
(b) with her will to stop thieving.
(c) with shame and disgrace.
(d) with flying colors.

5. What does Moll say is worse than being in want?
(a) being old.
(b) being in prison.
(c) being friendless.
(d) being helpless.

6. After moving back with the governess, what work does Mill do?
(a) house cleaning.
(b) baby sitting.
(c) needle work.
(d) teaching school.

7. Who does Moll meet to help her with her money?
(a) a merchant.
(b) a solicitor.
(c) a banker.
(d) a doctor.

8. Who does Moll say put evil ideas into her head?
(a) the police.
(b) her governess.
(c) her highwayman husband.
(d) the devil.

9. Who does Moll get to visit in Newgate?
(a) her Lancashire husband.
(b) an accused assassin.
(c) her son Jemmy.
(d) her old partner in crime.

10. How does the banker say his wife is a whore?
(a) not by necessity but by inclination.
(b) as a victim of incest.
(c) as a madwoman obsessed with sex.
(d) as mentally uncapable of resisting.

11. What do Moll and her Lancashire husband discover about each other?
(a) they know the same people.
(b) they both have money.
(c) they are both broke.
(d) they no longer love each other.

12. How does the governess say the baronet explained his condition to his wife?
(a) he was in a fire.
(b) he fell into the Thames.
(c) he got drunk and was robbed.
(d) he lost everything at gambling.

13. How is Moll swept off her feet by an Irishman?
(a) by his appearance of great wealth.
(b) by his rakish good looks.
(c) by his gifts of jewels.
(d) by his smooth tongue.

14. What happens at the Barnet Stage?
(a) Moll goes to Glasgow.
(b) Moll steals a bundle from a girl with a baby.
(c) Moll takes a woman's watch from her belt.
(d) Moll fakes an accident and demands compensation.

15. What is the location when Moll is finally caught red handed?
(a) a silversmith's shop.
(b) a private house.
(c) a drapers.
(d) a roadhouse.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the governess turned pawnbroker actually doing?

2. What does Moll confess to the banker?

3. What do they call Mrs. B in her house?

4. What does Mrs. B give to the parish officials?

5. What does Moll say about her delivery?

(see the answer keys)

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