Moll Flanders Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Moll Flanders Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Moll compare herself to the gentleman at Bath?
(a) that she is more helpless.
(b) that she is more noble.
(c) that she is more innocent.
(d) that she is more wicked.

2. What does the narrator tell the reader to expect in the story?
(a) sudden shifts of the story line.
(b) sudden lapses in Mill's memory.
(c) sudden surprises of every sort.
(d) sudden changes in location.

3. What does the sister tell her brother now recommends a woman to a gentleman?
(a) only exceptional looks.
(b) nothing but money.
(c) being well educated.
(d) having a sponsor.

4. What does the sister tell her older brother about having money but not great beauty when looking for a husband?
(a) a beautiful girl cannot buy money.
(b) the first will do without the last.
(c) with money she can buy beauty.
(d) her money is invested well.

5. How does the captain's lady help repay Moll for her services?
(a) by giving her some money.
(b) by making Moll her secretary.
(c) by inviting other ship's captains to her home.
(d) by helping her rumored to be a wealthy widow.

6. What does Moll help the young woman next door do?
(a) get even with the unfair beau.
(b) get a job as a governess.
(c) learn how to steal.
(d) find a new man.

7. Where does Moll take up residence after returning from Virginia?
(a) Bath.
(b) London.
(c) the Mint.
(d) Bristol.

8. What does the younger brother protest about with his sister?
(a) that he is looking for a woman without money.
(b) that he is not interested in money.
(c) that he always has to take his brother's left overs.
(d) that he will never marry an woman.

9. What does Moll tell her suitor that he does not apparently believe?
(a) that she has six children.
(b) that she is married already.
(c) that she is poor.
(d) that she demands a diamond ring.

10. What does her tradesman turn out to be?
(a) a con man who only wanted Moll's money.
(b) rake, shopkeeper and beggar all in one.
(c) a hardened criminal .
(d) a bigamist.

11. Knowing she cannot be the gentleman's wife, what does Moll do?
(a) hoards as much of the money he gives her as she can.
(b) gives expensive parties for his friends and their whores.
(c) spends lavishly on clothes and jewels.
(d) plans to run away as soon as possible.

12. Why does Mrs. Mayoress say Moll may become a gentlewoman for all they know?
(a) she has a gentlewoman's hands.
(b) she has a gentlewoman's air about her.
(c) she is very lovely.
(d) she speaks with proper English.

13. Moving in with a friend, what does Moll come to be called?
(a) pretty spinster.
(b) pretty pickpocket.
(c) pretty widow.
(d) pretty whore.

14. How do Moll and the young woman next door get even with the young captain?
(a) by picketing his house.
(b) by sinking his ship.
(c) by fooling him into marrying a shrew.
(d) by destroying his reputation.

15. What spared Moll's mother's life when she was condemned to die?
(a) she became the mistress of the warden.
(b) she was pregnant with Moll.
(c) she escaped and fled to virginia.
(d) she turned state's evidence.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the assumption left up to the reader in the Preface?

2. To what does the narrator compare his novel?

3. Where does Moll go to dress in back as a widow and call herself Mrs. Flanders?

4. What is Moll looking for after the death of her first husband?

5. How does Moll get away from the gypsies?

(see the answer keys)

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