Mockingjay Test | Final Test - Medium

Suzanne Collins
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 162 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Mockingjay Test | Final Test - Medium

Suzanne Collins
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 162 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Chapter 16, where does Plutarch say the name Panem came from?
(a) A Shakespeare play.
(b) A French phrase that translates to Parties and Payment.
(c) A Latin phrase that translates to Bread and Circuses.
(d) A Hemingway novel.

2. In the Epilogue, why does Katniss imply she wrote her story down?
(a) To never forget.
(b) To tell her kids about the past.
(c) To help her nightmares.
(d) To help Peeta remember.

3. In Chapter 20, why do Gale and Leeg 1 spray gunfire along the empty street?
(a) To set off more bombs in an attempt at minesweeping.
(b) Out of an attempt to let other squads know where they are.
(c) To protect the squad from approaching Peacekeepers.
(d) Out of fright.

4. In Chapter 27, why does Katniss' mother refuse to return to District 12?
(a) A lover in the Capitol.
(b) She is ashamed of her daughter's actions.
(c) Too many memories.
(d) Too much work in the Capitol.

5. In Chapter 22, what happens to a group of Peacekeepers who come after Katniss and her squad?
(a) They are attacked by a pack of wild animals.
(b) They disappear down a hidden tunnel.
(c) They are killed by the mutts.
(d) They fall to Gale's arrows.

Short Answer Questions

1. In Chapter 17, why does Peeta say that Gale saved his life on several occasions?

2. In Chapter 13, what kind of wound did Gale suffer while attempting to rescue Peeta?

3. In Chapter 27, who joins Katniss in District 12 after her return?

4. In Chapter 22, whose eyes does Katniss believe the mutts have?

5. In Chapter 25, what has happened to Peeta now that the war is over?

Short Essay Questions

1. In Chapter 14, what reasons does the author give for District 2 to remain on the side of the Capitol?

2. In Chapter 23, where does Cressida find refuge for Katniss' squad?

3. In Chapter 12, why does Katniss finally submit to an interview about Peeta?

4. Throughout the latter chapters of the book, what question does Peeta constantly ask and/or answer when he has memories that he is unsure of?

5. In Chapter 19, who tells Katniss to be nice to Peeta? How does she fulfill this demand?

6. In Chapter 25, who does Katniss find tending to roses in the Presidential mansion? What does this person say to Katniss?

7. In Chapter 24, how do Katniss and Gale become separated as they make their way to the Presidential mansion?

8. In Chapter 18, who trains to go to the Capitol with Katniss? What is the result of this training?

9. In Chapter 24, what does Gale say will be the deciding factor in Katniss choosing between Gale and Peeta as lovers?

10. In Chapter 21, Katniss and her squad begin to move deeper into the city. How do they travel? What trouble comes after them at the end of the chapter?

(see the answer keys)

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