Moccasin Trail Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 164 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Moccasin Trail Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 164 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What do Jim and Daniel do when Jim calls Daniel out?
(a) Hunt in the woods.
(b) Discuss leadership.
(c) Swim in the river.
(d) Throw sticks and pebbles at each other.

2. What is Jonnie's concern about the trail?
(a) He is afraid Meek won't be able to follow it in the dark.
(b) He doesn't think Jim left a strong enough trail to follow.
(c) He is afraid the trail will be too steep.
(d) He is afraid the wind and rain have erased the trail.

3. Why does Jim decide he shouldn't return to trapping in the mountains?
(a) There isn't enough game in the mountains.
(b) He likes farming better than trapping.
(c) It's too dangerous because of the Indian war.
(d) He doesn't have a partner to trap with.

4. What does Jim realize when Tom talks to Mr. Rutledge?
(a) Tom doesn't know how to read.
(b) Tom wants to join an Indian tribe.
(c) Tom is incredibly lonely.
(d) Tom is unable to trap by himself.

5. What have some of the other men told Joe about Jim's role in retrieving the cattle?
(a) They say they couldn't have gotten the cattle back without Jim's help.
(b) They say Jim endangered all of them by stealing a horse.
(c) They say Jim endangered all of them by trying to put the horse back.
(d) They say Jim was able to trick the Indians because he is part Indian.

6. How does Jonnie help Jim deal with his emotions?
(a) He suggests Jim go hunting some days instead of doing farmwork.
(b) He gives Jim the easiest farmwork to do.
(c) He suggests some days that Jim go swimming instead of doing farmwork.
(d) He gives Jim the most challenging farmwork to do.

7. Which of the following does Jim NOT do on his wild ride through the countryside?
(a) Wear very little clothing.
(b) Wear war paint.
(c) Kill livestock.
(d) Scare people.

8. What is Daniel doing when Jim finds him?
(a) Trying to run away from the Indians.
(b) Hunting.
(c) Tanning hides.
(d) Sleeping.

9. Why is Jim surprised the thieves headed to the creek?
(a) The creek is too cold to swim in this time of year.
(b) Indians wouldn't think of heading to the creek.
(c) Whites wouldn't think of heading to the creek.
(d) It would be difficult for the theives to drive the cattle through the creek.

10. What does Jonnie need to do next to get ready for the next season's crops?
(a) Build a barn.
(b) Train Daniel to use a plow.
(c) Buy a horse.
(d) Clear the land.

11. Who throws pebbles at Jim?
(a) Tom Rivers.
(b) Sally.
(c) Mr. Rutledge.
(d) Jonnie.

12. How does Daniel feel about Tom?
(a) He is jealous of the attention Tom gives to Jonnie and Sally.
(b) He admires Tom because he is a mountain man.
(c) He is jealous of the time Jim spends with Tom.
(d) He is nervous around Tom because Tom is so wild looking.

13. What does Jim teach Daniel while they are setting traps?
(a) How to keep people from getting in the traps.
(b) How to keep traps from getting old and rusted.
(c) How to be sure an animal doesn't detect the trap.
(d) How to remember where traps are located.

14. What could one reasonably argue that Jim's braids symbolize?
(a) Jim's desire to run away.
(b) Jim's Indian bloodline.
(c) Jim's Indian identity.
(d) Jim's killing the grizzly bear.

15. What does Jim feel when the cabin is finished?
(a) Admiration.
(b) Shame.
(c) Pride.
(d) Anger.

Short Answer Questions

1. When Jim steals the horse, what does he plan to do with it?

2. What does being "called out" sometimes include?

3. What rumor spreads about the lone Indian rider?

4. What does Daniel ask Jim to teach him?

5. Where did Daniel learning writing and arithmetic?

(see the answer keys)

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