Moby-Dick Test | Final Test - Medium

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Moby-Dick Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What happens to the mast of the Pequod during a typhoon?
(a) it glows in the dark.
(b) it loses all its sails.
(c) it breaks in two.
(d) it catches on fire.

2. What does Stubb get from the dead whale?
(a) the tail fins.
(b) a substance known as Ambergis.
(c) the skull and teeth.
(d) the bones in the mouth.

3. What does Ishmael believe about the survival of whales as a species?
(a) that they will overpopulate the oceans and seas.
(b) that they will never become extinct.
(c) that they will be killed off.
(d) that they will evolve into smaller creatures.

4. What is the crew of The Delight about to do as the Pequod comes alongside?
(a) repair the masts.
(b) bury one of their men.
(c) man the whale boats.
(d) lower the sails.

5. From what does the Pequod escape at sea?
(a) Malay pirates.
(b) a giant squid.
(c) an ocean whirlpool.
(d) Japanese gun boats.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where does Ishmael say the brain of the sperm whale lies?

2. What makes Ahab return quickly to the Pequod from the Samuel Enderby?

3. To what does Ishmael attribute the Sag Harbor man's disbelief in the story of Jonah?

4. Why does Ishmael linger on the Biblical story of Jonah?

5. How does Stubb regain a dead whale from a French whaling boat?

Short Essay Questions

1. What is the problem with maritime laws pertaining to whaling?

2. Why does the encounter with the Bachelor irritate Ahab?

3. What happens when Tashtego accidentally falls into the oil-filled head of the whale?

4. Why does Ahab change his attitude toward the leaking casks of whale oil?

5. Describe Ishmael's arguments against the man who doubts the Bible.

6. What ironic thought does Ahab have while looking at Queequeg's coffin?

7. Explain why the Pequod sails in the wrong direction.

8. What is the change in the crew as they head out in search of Moby Dick?

9. What further insult does Ahab act out after meeting the Delight?

10. What conundrum does Ishmael pose about the whale's biological system?

(see the answer keys)

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