Moby-Dick Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

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Moby-Dick Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the subject matter of the sermon in the chapel?
(a) preparing for death.
(b) the creation of sea creatures.
(c) Balam and the ass.
(d) Jonah and the whale.

2. What early shipboard duty does Ishmael describe?
(a) his experience in swabbing the deck.
(b) his time in the whaling boats.
(c) his work in the galley.
(d) his first experience serving watch.

3. When the whale is harpooned, what action do the harpooner and the chief mate take?
(a) they switch places from front to back.
(b) they switch from harpoons to lances.
(c) they join the rowers.
(d) they manhandle the harpoon line.

4. What purpose does the mad Elijah serve in the story?
(a) he explains how to get on board the Pequod.
(b) he prophecies disaster for the Pequod.
(c) he adds comic relief to the story.
(d) he prophecies success for the Pequod.

5. What is the major problem while the whale is tied to the side of the ship?
(a) changing the direction of the ship.
(b) balancing the ship.
(c) keeping the ropes from breaking.
(d) keeping the sharks away.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Ishmael describe the whales he sees in the ocean?

2. What happens to Radney during a whale chase?

3. Which harpooner is chosen by Starbuck?

4. Who is the second mate on board the Pequod?

5. What is the encounter in the ocean that causes Ahab to come to the deck?

Short Essay Questions

1. How does the first day of whaling affect Ishmael?

2. Describe the curious rumor about other fish and Moby Dick.

3. How do Starbuck and Stubb react to Ahab's stated mission?

4. What is the surprise the men of the Pequod get when they spot their first whale and begin to lower the boats?

5. Why does Ishmael soon lose his astonishment over Queequeg in New Bedford?

6. What does Ahab do to disturb the crew during the night?

7. What is the function of Charity, Bildad's sister, in the preparations for the Pequod's journey?

8. Describe the behavior of the mates dining in the captain's cabin as they torment the cook who serves their meal.

9. What ominous encounter do Ishmael and Queequeg have after they have signed onto the Pequod?

10. How does Ahab express his mission on this trip of the Pequod?

(see the answer keys)

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