Moby-Dick Quiz | Eight Week Quiz D

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Moby-Dick Quiz | Eight Week Quiz D

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter 58-60 | Chapter 61-63.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What type of whale are the men of the Pequod looking for?
(a) the sperm whale.
(b) the duodecimo whale.
(c) the octavo whale.
(d) the albino whale.

2. What is the harpooner, Queequeg, out doing when Ishmael is shown to his room?
(a) smoking his pipe.
(b) sharpening his hatchet.
(c) shaving with his harpoon.
(d) selling a shrunken head.

3. What startles the crew as they prepare to go after a whale?
(a) whales completely surrounding the ship.
(b) a hole in the bottom of each whale boat.
(c) five men they had not seen before.
(d) Captain Ahab without his ivory peg leg.

4. What happens to the two men who turn on Steelkilt and come out of the locked scuttle?
(a) they are hanged.
(b) they receive pardons.
(c) they walk the plank.
(d) they are flogged.

5. What early shipboard duty does Ishmael describe?
(a) his first experience serving watch.
(b) his time in the whaling boats.
(c) his work in the galley.
(d) his experience in swabbing the deck.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the speculation about the noise coming from the after hold?

2. Which harpooner is chosen by Starbuck?

3. What does Ahab question the men about?

4. What does Ishmael say whale ship crew members often do with the bones of whales?

5. Who is the chaplain of the whaler's place of worship?

(see the answer key)

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