Moby-Dick Quiz | Two Week Quiz A

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Moby-Dick Quiz | Two Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapters 81-82 | Chapter 83.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the name of Queequeg's small, carved idol?
(a) Mojo.
(b) Jojo.
(c) Sojo.
(d) Yojo.

2. To what does Ishmael attribute the hieroglyphic-like markings on the whale skin?
(a) scrapes from coral reefs.
(b) contacts with other whales.
(c) contacts with ships.
(d) ageing.

3. What part of the whale is the most valuable to the whalers?
(a) the ivory teeth and bones.
(b) the blubber.
(c) the skin.
(d) the head and tail.

4. To what does Ishmael attribute the Sag Harbor man's disbelief in the story of Jonah?
(a) his minute education and inability to reason.
(b) his listening to too many doubters.
(c) his custom of arguing with everyone.
(d) his personal experience inside a whale.

5. What early shipboard duty does Ishmael describe?
(a) his time in the whaling boats.
(b) his first experience serving watch.
(c) his work in the galley.
(d) his experience in swabbing the deck.

Short Answer Questions

1. At the Try Pots Inn in Nantucket, what is the staple menu?

2. What do they find in the corpse of the blind and crippled whale?

3. What is the second objection the Sag Harbor man has for the veracity of the story of Jonah?

4. Who are Peleg and Bildad?

5. What startles the crew as they prepare to go after a whale?

(see the answer key)

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