The Mists of Avalon Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 107 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Mists of Avalon Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 107 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Morgaine entreat Arthur to do with Excalibur?
(a) Give it to her
(b) Hide it away
(c) Use it to kill Christians
(d) Offer it back to the Holy Regalia

2. To whom does Lancelet finally confess his love of Gwenhwyfar?
(a) Gwenhwyfar
(b) Viviane
(c) Morgaine
(d) Arthur

3. Where does Gwenhwyfar ask Lancelet to bring her?
(a) To Avalon
(b) To Caerleon
(c) To the convent in Glastonbury
(d) To Camelot

4. Who does Viviane think resembles Lancelet?
(a) Kevin
(b) Arthur
(c) Gareth
(d) Gwydion

5. Who is the one that killed Avalloch?
(a) Uriens
(b) Morgaine
(c) Arthur
(d) Accolon

6. Who does Arthur name as an heir to the throne?
(a) Gareth
(b) Gawain
(c) Uwaine
(d) Gwydion

7. Who is called to seduce Kevin?
(a) Morgause
(b) Niniane
(c) Elaine
(d) Nimue

8. Who arrives a few days before Pentecost with the news of Galahad's death?
(a) Lancelet
(b) Gwydion
(c) Arthur
(d) Gareth

9. Who did Morgaine think she was agreeing to marry?
(a) Lancelet
(b) Accolon
(c) Kevin
(d) King Uriens

10. Who does Gwydion persuade to be the Spring Maiden?
(a) Niniane
(b) Gwenhwyfar
(c) Viviane
(d) Morgaine

11. Who did Kevin see fighting alongside the Saxons?
(a) Arthur
(b) Gwydion
(c) Morgaine
(d) Gareth

12. What does Lancelet agree to do on a quest?
(a) Kill the Saxons
(b) Spy for Arthur
(c) Forget Gwenhwyfar
(d) Slay a dragon

13. Who goes home to North Wales to visit?
(a) Uwaine
(b) Gareth
(c) Galahad
(d) Gawain

14. Who tells Morgaine that she was wrong to condemn Arthur about Excalibur?
(a) Kevin
(b) Gwenhwyfar
(c) Lancelet
(d) Viviane

15. Who is announced as the heir to the throne by Arthur?
(a) Kevin
(b) Galahad
(c) Gareth
(d) Gwydion

Short Answer Questions

1. Who tells Morgaine that her work is not yet finished and it will be a long time before Morgaine can return to Avalon permanently?

2. How will the answer to #106 help Elaine?

3. What does Morgaine discover, even though she is advanced in years?

4. Where did Lancelet think Nimue was?

5. Who kills Maleagrant to protect Gwenhwyfar?

(see the answer keys)

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