Mister Roberts Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Thomas Heggen
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Mister Roberts Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Thomas Heggen
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who says that Roberts' is stupid for "chasing death?"
(a) Pulver.
(b) Dolan.
(c) The Captain.
(d) Doc.

2. When Miss Girard talks about her nickname, how does Pulver respond?
(a) He tells her he does not know about what she is talking.
(b) He gets very embarrassed.
(c) He tells her a story about his nickname.
(d) He tells her she is being inappropriate.

3. What is Dolan asked to do for Roberts?
(a) Iron his uniform.
(b) Type a letter.
(c) Leave him alone.
(d) Cover his chores.

4. What item is a trophy of excellence for the Captain?
(a) A palm tree.
(b) A gold compass.
(c) A trophy.
(d) A leather bound book.

5. Over what does the crew argue when the Captain has left the deck?
(a) Whether or not Roberts should have listened to the Captain's orders.
(b) Who gets to sit next to Roberts in the mess hall.
(c) Who gets to take the next application for transfer to the Captain.
(d) Whether or not they should finish their job for the day.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Roberts tell Doc he spots while on watch the previous night?

2. What type of study does Roberts quit before becoming a sailor?

3. What does the Captain say Roberts must do so that the men will be allowed liberty?

4. What lies about the ship does Pulver tell Miss Girard?

5. In what geographical location are the sailors having their liberty?

Short Essay Questions

1. About what do Dolan and Pulver speak when Dolan comes to drop off Roberts' letter?

2. What is the mood of the sailors as they get ready for liberty?

3. How does Roberts seem to feel about the cargo ship and being on it?

4. What does Roberts have to do to get the Captain to give the men their liberty?

5. What does Wiley say about liberty?

6. For what is Pulver looking in Roberts' things and why?

7. How do Doc and Roberts help Pulver out in Act 1, Scene 2?

8. How does Miss Girard react when she learns that the men can see the nurses through their spyglass?

9. What does Dolan try to pressure Roberts to do, and how does Roberts react?

10. What reason is provided for why Roberts has let the Captain speak to him the way he has, and who defends Roberts?

(see the answer keys)

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