Mister Roberts Test | Final Test - Easy

Thomas Heggen
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Mister Roberts Test | Final Test - Easy

Thomas Heggen
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the Captain wearing as he goes to water his palm tree?
(a) A bathing suit.
(b) His uniform.
(c) His civilian clothes.
(d) A bathrobe.

2. Which of the following does the radio announcer recognize as a true enemy?
(a) Arrogance.
(b) Intolerance.
(c) Impatience.
(d) Judgement.

3. According to the Military Policeman, how many soldiers are in the hospital?
(a) Twenty-nine.
(b) Nineteen.
(c) Fourteen.
(d) Thirty-eight.

4. On what piece of equipment is an unconscious sailor found?
(a) The anchor.
(b) A cargo net.
(c) The watchtower.
(d) The wheel.

5. Doc and what other sailor do not believe that Roberts is deliberately looking for a promotion on the cargo ship?
(a) Dolan.
(b) Dowdy.
(c) The Captain.
(d) Pulver.

6. From where has the ship been ordered out of dock?
(a) Port Charles.
(b) Elysium.
(c) The Cape of Good Home.
(d) Barbados.

7. Who is expected at the Office of the Island Commander the day following the fight?
(a) Dolan.
(b) Dowdy.
(c) The Captain.
(d) Roberts.

8. Which sailor comes into the room where Doc and Roberts are and turns on the radio so that they can hear the news that the war in Europe is over?
(a) The Captain.
(b) Pulver.
(c) Dolan.
(d) Dowdy.

9. Why are so many of the men complaining about Roberts?
(a) Because he does not sit with them at dinner.
(b) Because he clearly likes Doc the best.
(c) Because he has put Dolan on report.
(d) Because he wants to transfer and leave them all.

10. What does the radio commentary on the loud speaker suggest at the end of Act 2, Scene 2?
(a) The war will be reaching England soon.
(b) Pearl Harbor has been bombed.
(c) More countries may soon be overrun.
(d) The war in Europe is coming to an end.

11. Pulver appears in front of the Doc and Roberts singed and covered in what?
(a) Dirt.
(b) Soapsuds.
(c) Yellow powder.
(d) Blood.

12. Which one of the announcements comes over the loud speaker at the start of Act 2, Scene 5?
(a) An order for Roberts to report to the sick bay.
(b) An announcement that the new engineer has arrived.
(c) An announcement that the war is Europe has started again.
(d) An order for Dolan to report to the radion shack.

13. What does Dolan think will happen to the Captain if Roberts gets transferred?
(a) The Captain will be thrilled to see Roberts go.
(b) The Captain will be ruined completely.
(c) The Captain will be sad but get will over it.
(d) The Captain will get sick.

14. What loud noise is heard in the back of the ship that causes the Captain to come out to see what is happening?
(a) A siren.
(b) An explosion.
(c) A loud scream.
(d) A bell ringing.

15. When speaking with Roberts on deck, on what does the Captain insist?
(a) That all the men acted responsibly on their liberty.
(b) That Roberts is the worst sailor he has ever seen.
(c) That a storm is coming.
(d) That he be addressed formally by Roberts.

Short Answer Questions

1. Which sailor takes Roberts' packed suitcase to the waiting boat?

2. Why does the Captain tell the crew of the cargo ship they have to work doubly hard?

3. What item does Pulver create to leave under the Captain's bed?

4. Who is going to go with Roberts to the island so that they can have their liberty?

5. The Captain has Roberts take a group of men to the back of the ship and have them do what?

(see the answer keys)

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