Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. Which UM football player was accused of rape by a young woman seeking a protection order, as reported in a story posted on March 19, 2012?
2. Which reporter's words are used in the epigraph for Part Three: Unwanted Attention?
3. Who was the first person Johnson called after he had been sent a letter of accusation by Couture?
4. Which entity or person arranged for David Paoli to represent Donaldson at trial?
5. In what month of 2012 did the Barz Report assert that "Due to the number of incidents added since December [of 2011], the investigation needs to be ongoing" (128)?
Short Essay Questions
1. What reason did Kirsten Pabst give the Missoulian reporter Gwen Florio for her decision to leave the Missoula County Attorney's Office in March 2012 and how did it contrast with her actions on August 7, 2012?
2. Who is Dr. David Lisak and what insights did he provide during the Jordan Johnson trial?
3. What were the main findings of the Barz Report?
4. In what way does the epigraph included prior to Part Four: Scales of Justice depict the dual themes of secrecy and silence?
5. What action did Cecilia Washburn decide to take after being counseled about her four options by the staff at First Step?
6. What insights did Joanne Fargo provide to Krakauer about the ages of the jurors in the Jordan Johnson trial?
7. How did Hillary McLaughlin describe her assault at the hands of Beau Donaldson?
8. How did Beth Huguet respond to Milt Datsopoulos's cross-examination about whether Beau had ever physically hurt Allison in the past?
9. What sentence did Beau Donaldson receive after he pled guilty to raping Allison Huguet?
10. For what reason did Hillary McLaughlin contact Allison Huguet on the night when Donaldson was taken to prison?
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
In what way does Krakauer go about breaking the text into parts and how do these structural elements help to advance the text’s arguments?
Essay Topic 2
How does Krakauer employ the use or rejection of fallacy within Missoula: Rape and the Justice System in a College Town and how does the inclusion of fallacy help Krakauer to prove particular points made within the text?
Essay Topic 3
What messages does Krakauer send to the audience about the themes of isolation and outreach?
This section contains 1,319 words (approx. 5 pages at 300 words per page) |