Missing May Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 100 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Missing May Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 100 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What has Ob been making Summer for breakfast since May died?
(a) Cream of wheat.
(b) Oatmeal.
(c) Cereal and toast.
(d) Pancakes.

2. What is Cletus' mother's name?
(a) Margaret.
(b) Marybelle.
(c) Martha.
(d) Margradel.

3. What does Ob read as May heads off to school in Chapter 8?
(a) A travel guide.
(b) A newspaper.
(c) A novel.
(d) A magazine.

4. When a bat died that May injured, where was it buried?
(a) Next to an oak tree.
(b) Behind the trailer.
(c) Under the Chevy.
(d) May's garden.

5. What physical problem does Mrs. Underwood have?
(a) Osteoporis.
(b) Bad knee.
(c) Arthritis.
(d) Nearly blind in one eye.

6. What time do Ob and Summer finally eat breakfast on the morning they both sleep late?
(a) 10.
(b) 11.
(c) 11:30.
(d) 10:30.

7. What county is the church located in that Cletus talks about?
(a) Adams County.
(b) Bridger County.
(c) Putnam County.
(d) Wyatt County.

8. When did May die?
(a) June.
(b) September.
(c) July.
(d) August.

9. What factory do Ob, Summer, and Cletus pass as they drive past Charleston?
(a) A car parts factory.
(b) A textile mill.
(c) Du Pont.
(d) Burlington.

10. When does Ob plan to meet Cletus' parents and discuss a trip to Rev. Conklin's church?
(a) Saturday.
(b) Friday.
(c) Monday.
(d) Sunday.

11. What time does Ob usually wake Summer on school days?
(a) 5:00.
(b) 6:30.
(c) 5:30.
(d) 6:00.

12. Who wrote the medical book that Summer has at her house?
(a) Dr. Dobson.
(b) Dr. Roberts.
(c) Dr. Spock.
(d) Dr. Wyatt.

13. What does the man at the church give Cletus?
(a) Bookmark.
(b) Picture.
(c) Bible.
(d) A church brochure.

14. What has happened to the Rev. Young?
(a) She moved.
(b) She died.
(c) She got married.
(d) She left the church.

15. What is the only medical book that Summer can find in her house?
(a) Talking to Teens about Puberty.
(b) Baby and Child Care.
(c) Emergency Preparation.
(d) First Aid.

Short Answer Questions

1. What simile does Summer use to describe Ob when she goes into his room on the day they oversleep?

2. At the beginning of Chapter 8, what does Summer say that May liked?

3. What is the person doing who is at the church and talks to the three travelers?

4. How many motels are there in the town where the church is located?

5. How long had the Underwoods been asking Cletus to bring Summer over?

(see the answer keys)

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