Missing Links Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Missing Links Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Two Down change after the match?
(a) He bets more than ever.
(b) He works for Ray.
(c) He gives up betting entirely.
(d) He spends more time with his wife.

2. Why do Ray and Two Down meet with Ray's father and Concorde?
(a) Ray and Two Down want to threaten Concorde and Ray's father.
(b) Ray's father works out a payment plan for them.
(c) They work out details of a golf match.
(d) Ray and his father mediate for the other men.

3. Where does Ray take Two Down after the incident with Concorde?
(a) The Emergency Room.
(b) A Therapy Group.
(c) Home.
(d) Ponky.

4. Why do Concorde and Ray's father lose the first round?
(a) Concorde plays horribly.
(b) Two Down sinks a hole-in-one.
(c) Ray's father plays horribly.
(d) Ray points out how Concorde cheats.

5. Who wins The Bet?
(a) Dannie.
(b) Ray.
(c) Two Down.
(d) Hoover.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where will the golf match planned in Chapter 19 take place?

2. What is surprising to Ray about the Numerals attending that funeral?

3. Who ultimately comes up with a plan to help Two Down get out of his predicament?

4. How much does Ray's father offer to pay Ray for the item he wants to purchase from him?

5. What is so significant about Chunkin' Charlie in Ray's life?

Short Essay Questions

1. Which rule at The Mayflower Club is strictly enforced when the Chops follow Ray and Two Down for the second half of the match? Why is this ironic?

2. Describe what Ray learns from other Numerals and from Madeline with only one round left to play in the match.

3. Describe what happens when Dannie arrives at The Mayflower Club with Browning.

4. Who serves as Ray's father's caddy during the first half of the match at Ponky, and what surprises Ray about his father's caddy during the second half?

5. How does Thud become involved in the match between Ray, Two Down, Concorde, and Ray's father? What is the effect on Concorde?

6. What is the challenge that gets Two Down in trouble, and how does it end at the golf course?

7. What change does the reader see in Hoover when he distracts Ray's father with talk about seeing his own shadow?

8. What does Dannie tell Ray that is critical when the two are discussing Dannie's relationship with Browning? Why is this significant?

9. How do Ray and Two Down win the first round against Concorde and Ray's father?

10. After doing research at the library on his special club, the MacGregor 693, what does Ray find out?

(see the answer keys)

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