Missing Links Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Missing Links Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What were the terms of The Bet established in Chapter 2?
(a) The first Chop to play a full game of golf at The Mayflower Club wins.
(b) The first Chop to date someone from The Mayflower Club wins.
(c) The first Chop to be admitted to The Mayflower Club wins.
(d) The first Chop to win a game at Ponky wins.

2. What else did Uncle Joe do to help and support Ray's pursuit of golf?
(a) Paid for Ray's attempt at professional golf.
(b) Paid for Ray's college tuition.
(c) Bought Ray a new set of clubs.
(d) Attended every one of Ray's matches.

3. What identity does Dannie assume when she makes her second attempt at winning The Bet?
(a) A woman stranded on the side of the road.
(b) A Mayflower Club member.
(c) A detective.
(d) An employee of a golf magazine.

4. What is the name of the caddy Ray especially likes?
(a) Professor.
(b) Duke.
(c) Number One.
(d) The Boss.

5. After leaving the professional golf tour following Travis' death, what did Ray do to attempt a return to the tour?
(a) Won a golf tournament.
(b) Asked his father for money.
(c) Begged for another chance.
(d) Sold his house.

Short Answer Questions

1. Ponky is described as "possibly the ___________ golf course in America."

2. What is the security guard doing while Ray and Hoover play a match?

3. How does Ray describe the decor of the caddy facility at The Mayflower Club?

4. When are caddies at The Mayflower Club allowed to enter the clubhouse?

5. After Ray's first attempt fails, what job does Ray apply for in an attempt to win?

Short Essay Questions

1. Briefly describe Ray's plan to win The Bet in Chapter 8 and why it fails.

2. Why does Ray lose his job at The Mayflower Club?

3. What happens with the flirting between Ray and Madeline in Chapter 13?

4. Describe the terms of The Bet and list the people involved.

5. Briefly describe Two Down's plan to win The Bet described in Chapter 7 and why it fails.

6. Briefly describe Ray's family history.

7. What are some of the similarities seen in Chapter 3 between each golf course and its respective members?

8. Briefly describe the details of Dannie's first plan to win The Bet and why it fails.

9. Briefly describe Two Down's second plan to win The Bet, described in Chapter 13.

10. What term do the Chops use for members of The Mayflower Club and why?

(see the answer keys)

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