Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.
Multiple Choice Questions
1. Who consoles Popeye and Carnelle?
(a) Delmount.
(b) Tessy.
(c) Elain.
(d) Mac Sam.
2. What has destroyed Carnelle's spirit?
(a) A lack of money.
(b) Her lack of education.
(c) Her mother's death.
(d) A dysfunctional family.
3. Who did Carnelle's aunt leave her house to when she died?
(a) Delmount.
(b) Carnelle.
(c) Her church.
(d) Elain.
4. What part of Popeye's body is injured?
(a) Mouth.
(b) Eyes.
(c) Ears.
(d) Nose.
5. Which character does Delmount believe doesn't follow through with actions?
(a) Carnelle.
(b) Elain.
(c) Tessy.
(d) Popeye.
Short Answer Questions
1. Who calls for Elain in Act 1, Scene 2?
2. When does the play take place?
3. Of which of the following is Carnelle a victim?
4. Which word best describes Popeye's eye injury story?
5. Which of the following does Carnelle hope for in the play's second act?
Short Essay Questions
1. Why does Elain decide to go back to her husband?
2. Why do Delmount and Elain discuss the negative impact their mother had on their lives?
3. What does the pageant symbolize?
4. How does the play's southern culture play a role in the pageant events? How does the culture contrast with the way the community acts?
5. What is Delmount's redemption?
6. What has stopped Carnelle from being a contestant in the pageant before?
7. How is self-identity a theme in the play?
8. What has happened to Carnelle's mother and father?
9. What causes Popeye to become distraught in the play's second scene?
10. What elements of the story foreshadow that things will go wrong for Carnelle in the pageant?
This section contains 637 words (approx. 3 pages at 300 words per page) |