The Miss Firecracker Contest Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 86 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Miss Firecracker Contest Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 86 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who was asked to speak at the beauty pageant about beauty?
(a) Delmount.
(b) Tessy.
(c) Elain.
(d) Carnelle.

2. Who is Tessy looking for in Act 2, Scene 1?
(a) Popeye.
(b) Carnelle.
(c) Delmount.
(d) Mac Sam.

3. Who leaves the tent to tell the remaining character that Carnelle received last place?
(a) Tessy.
(b) Popeye.
(c) Mac Sam.
(d) Delmount.

4. Which character brings a shoebox to Carnelle?
(a) Tessy.
(b) Popeye.
(c) Elain.
(d) Mac Sam.

5. What is wrong with Carnelle's dress at the pageant?
(a) The sleeves are too short.
(b) It is too tight.
(c) It is too loose.
(d) The colors are too vivid.

6. Who does not understand why Carnelle is putting herself through the humiliation?
(a) Delmount.
(b) Elain.
(c) Mac Sam.
(d) Popeye.

7. What does Carnelle trip on when she is onstage?
(a) A power cord.
(b) A pencil.
(c) Her dress.
(d) Her own feet.

8. What color snow cone does Popeye have?
(a) Red.
(b) Orange.
(c) Purple.
(d) Blue.

9. What is Elain wearing at the pageant?
(a) A Mardi Gras mask.
(b) A parka.
(c) A summer dress.
(d) A red antebellum dress.

10. How does Carnelle feel after her skill routine?
(a) Joyous.
(b) Angry.
(c) Shocked.
(d) Humiliated.

11. What does Popeye want in Act 2, Scene 1?
(a) to be with Mac Sam.
(b) To learn to sew.
(c) To be with Delmount.
(d) To quit her job.

12. What does Carnelle want in Act 2, Scene 1?
(a) To avoid her family.
(b) To hide from Tessy.
(c) To find her mask.
(d) To win the pageant.

13. Which character begins beating up the people insulting Carnelle?
(a) Mac Sam.
(b) Popeye.
(c) Elain.
(d) Delmount.

14. What color dress does Carnelle wear in the pageant?
(a) Red.
(b) Black.
(c) White.
(d) Blue.

15. What does Carnelle do in the parade after the pageant?
(a) Sits on the float and waves.
(b) Dresses up in a costume to pass out candy.
(c) Carries the flag behind the float.
(d) Drives the truck pulling the float.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is Tessy's occupation?

2. Which character drinks heavily?

3. Who does Carnelle talk to in the beginning of Act 2, Scene 1?

4. What does Carnelle change into for her final lineup?

5. Which character is considered an ugly misfit in the eyes of others?

(see the answer keys)

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