Miss Julia Strikes Back Multiple Choice Test Questions

Ann B. Ross
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Miss Julia Strikes Back Multiple Choice Test Questions

Ann B. Ross
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
Buy the Miss Julia Strikes Back Lesson Plans

Chapters 1-3

1. In chapter 1, what goes missing from Julia's room?
(a) Her pet dog.
(b) Her husband.
(c) Her fur coat.
(d) Her rings.

2. Where does Sam go in chapter 1?
(a) To the neighbor's house.
(b) To the store.
(c) On a business trip.
(d) On vacation.

3. Where does Hazel Marie go in chapter 1?
(a) To the store.
(b) To a neighbor's house.
(c) On vacation.
(d) To a party.

4. In chapter 1, whom does Julia seek for advice?
(a) Lillian.
(b) Lloyd.
(c) Hazel Marie.
(d) Sam.

5. Why does Julia host a party?
(a) It was her dog's birthday.
(b) She was bored.
(c) It was her birthday.
(d) Her husband was coming home.

6. Why doesn't Julia want to have another party?
(a) She wanted time alone with her husband.
(b) Her guests broke her best china.
(c) The first party did not make her happy.
(d) She was leaving for vacation.

7. Whom did Julia and Hazel Marie both have a relationship with?
(a) Pastor Ledbetter.
(b) Ralph Peterson.
(c) Wesley Lloyd Springer.
(d) Frank Tuttle.

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