Miss Julia Speaks Her Mind: A Novel Quiz | Eight Week Quiz G

Ann B. Ross
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Miss Julia Speaks Her Mind: A Novel Quiz | Eight Week Quiz G

Ann B. Ross
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapters 30-32.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Little Lloyd tells the women that Brother Vern insisted that Hazel had __________________.
(a) something of his father's that she wouldn't give to him.
(b) an expired driver's license.
(c) rare coins in her house.
(d) just a few more days to live.

2. Julia makes phone calls to all the _____________ she can.
(a) Pucketts.
(b) Flynns.
(c) ministers.
(d) therapists.

3. What do Binkie and Sam say about any kidnapping?
(a) There are no charges to worry about.
(b) Lillian will have to stand trial.
(c) Lillian will probably be convicted.
(d) Binkie will represent Lillian if she wants.

4. Why is Lillian afraid she will go to jail?
(a) She stole from a 7-11.
(b) She had a DUI.
(c) She took Little Lloyd.
(d) She didn't pay her taxes.

5. How does Wesley Lloyd Springer die?
(a) Gunshot wounds.
(b) Terminal illness.
(c) Heart attack.
(d) Car accident.

Short Answer Questions

1. What person accompanies the person in #6?

2. Sam reads Wesly Lloyd's new will and determines that ____________ is the sole beneficiary.

3. Why is Lillian not too happy with Julia when Lillian arrives for work the next day?

4. What had Brother Vern repeatedly questioned Hazel about?

5. What is one option Julia does NOT consider after reading the will?

(see the answer key)

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