Miss Benson's Beetle Test | Final Test - Medium

Rachel Joyce
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 171 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Miss Benson's Beetle Test | Final Test - Medium

Rachel Joyce
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 171 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who does Margery find in the bungalow after she finds the golden beetle on the mountain?
(a) The French Police.
(b) Mrs. Pope.
(c) Norman Skinner.
(d) Mundic.

2. What is Enid surprised Margery had not tried to do before she left for the expedition as they set up camp the first night on the mountain?
(a) Exercised.
(b) Tried to put up her tent.
(c) Camped.
(d) Seen a golden beetle.

3. What does Enid tell Margery she stole from Taylor before leaving him?
(a) His coat.
(b) His dog.
(c) His wallet.
(d) His gun.

4. What do the French police find in the bungalow when they go there looking for Enid and Margery per Mrs. Pope's urging?
(a) An empty bungalow.
(b) A bucket of eels.
(c) A bunch of shantytown boys.
(d) Mr. Mundic.

5. What does Enid bury Mr. Rawlings near after his death in Chapter 39?
(a) The road.
(b) Her favorite tree.
(c) The ravine.
(d) The gun.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why was Perce covered in blood when Enid came home the night she killed him?

2. What does Enid tell Margery that Gloria will not be happy to learn when she grows up in Chapter 48?

3. How much time do Enid and Margery have left in New Caledonia at the start of Chapter 42?

4. What is a very pregnant Enid wearing when she confesses to Margery that she killed her husband?

5. What does Mundic take from the bungalow in Chapter 47 when he gets there to find it empty?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why does the British consul soften up on Mundic after Mundic is brought to him for questioning?

2. How does Mundic react when Mrs. Pope tells him Margery and Enid left for the mountain weeks ago in Chapter 34?

3. What does Enid tell Margery about her past when they are having lunch in Poum in Chapter 37?

4. What does Mrs. Pope learn when she contacts the Natural History Museum to inquire about Margery and Enid? What does she believe after this contact?

5. What do Mrs. Pope and her friends discuss at her Friday crafting gathering in Chapter 29?

6. How does Mrs. Pope become certain that Margery and Enid were involved in the school break-in in Chapter 40?

7. How does Mundic manage to find Margery and Enid's bungalow in Chapter 36?

8. What happens between Margery and the Professor when she tells him she has the money to fund their expedition to New Caledonia?

9. How does Margery react when Enid asks her if she would feel more comfortable if they kept Taylor's gun? What does Enid do with the gun?

10. Why do Enid and Margery have to run from Dolly's place in Chapter 50?

(see the answer keys)

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