Miss Benson's Beetle Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Rachel Joyce
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 171 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Miss Benson's Beetle Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Rachel Joyce
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 171 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the first problem Margery encounters when they arrive in Noumea in Chapter 18?
(a) She lost her wallet.
(b) She cannot find a place for them to stay.
(c) She needs to have her visa extended.
(d) They are in the wrong town.

2. What does Enid confess to Margery on the flying boat to New Caledonia in Chapter 17?
(a) Her name is Nancy Collett.
(b) She cannot speak French.
(c) She killed her husband.
(d) She hates insects.

3. What does Enid name the stray dog that begins to follow her and Margery around Noumea in Chapter 18?
(a) Mr. Rawlings.
(b) Mr. Pup.
(c) Mr. Mundic.
(d) Mr. Pickles.

4. What article of clothing does Margery pack for special occasions?
(a) High heels.
(b) A ballgown.
(c) Red lipstick.
(d) Her best purple frock.

5. What clothing item does Margery steal before leaving the school the day students passed a note with a drawing of her on it?
(a) A student's hat.
(b) A school uniform.
(c) The principal's jacket.
(d) Lacrosse boots.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Mrs. Pope say about New Caledonia when Margery talks to her at the garden party in Chapter 21?

2. What does Enid wear while she cleans the bungalow in Chapter 25?

3. What is Margery teaching her students at the start of Chapter 2?

4. Where are Margery and Enid invited to at the end of Chapter 19?

5. What British news do the ladies at the garden party ask Margery about in Chapter 21?

Short Essay Questions

1. What happens when Mundic arrives in Brisbane? How does he end up heading to New Caledonia?

2. How are Enid and Margery's experiences different during their first weeks on the ship?

3. What does Mundic do to Margery after their first meeting?

4. What does Enid do when Margery tells her that her missing Gladstone bag has all of the equipment she needs in Chapter 19?

5. What news does Margery's father receive after showing her the golden beetle and what does he do in response?

6. Why do Enid and Margery have to sleep in their jeep the first day they arrive in Poum?

7. How does Taylor react to seeing Margery in their hut when she goes there to find Enid in Chapter 14?

8. How does Mundic's mother react to his bullying as a child and what does she tell him about the "flame inside of him" (96)?

9. How does Mundic manage to get a cabin on the ship Enid and Margery are on?

10. What are the four problems Margery encounters when they first arrive at New Caledonia in Chapter 18?

(see the answer keys)

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