Miss Benson's Beetle Test | Final Test - Easy

Rachel Joyce
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 171 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Miss Benson's Beetle Test | Final Test - Easy

Rachel Joyce
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 171 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Margery tell Enid she taught her students to do in her domestic science class?
(a) How to do their hair.
(b) How to put on makeup.
(c) How to iron men's shirts and boil vegetables.
(d) How to fold laundry.

2. What is a very pregnant Enid wearing when she confesses to Margery that she killed her husband?
(a) Her pink travel suit.
(b) Bermuda shorts and a t-shirt.
(c) A leopard bikini.
(d) Margery's purple frock.

3. What are Nancy Collet and her husband "surrounded by" (193) in the photo of them in The Sunday Mail?
(a) Flowers.
(b) Young men.
(c) Golden beetles.
(d) Chimpanzees.

4. What do the French police tell Mr. Pope his wife should stop doing after they go to the bungalow in Chapter 49?
(a) Throwing parties.
(b) Playing detective.
(c) Bothering innocent women.
(d) Wasting police time.

5. What flower has a connection to the golden beetle?
(a) Purple coneflower.
(b) White orchid.
(c) Red rose.
(d) Blue hydrangea.

6. What lands on Margery's face when she is trying to sleep outside in her hammock their first night on the mountain?
(a) A canary.
(b) A bat.
(c) A spider.
(d) A monkey.

7. What does Margery begin to dream of when she is hiding out at the summer house with Enid and the baby in Chapter 48?
(a) The school she worked at.
(b) Professor Smith.
(c) Her mother.
(d) The beetle.

8. What does Enid realize is gone while she piles stones for Mr. Rawlings grave in Chapter 39?
(a) Margery's specimens.
(b) The gun she buried.
(c) The red valise.
(d) Their money.

9. How many specimens do Enid and Margery find when they return to the mountain in Chapter 38?
(a) 25.
(b) Less than 100.
(c) Over 100.
(d) 0.

10. Who tells Mrs. Pope she is getting "carried away" (267) when Mrs. Pope discusses her thoughts on the Nancy Collett case?
(a) Maurice.
(b) Mundic.
(c) Daphne.
(d) Dolly.

11. What does Mundic take from the bungalow in Chapter 47 when he gets there to find it empty?
(a) A carving knife.
(b) The red valise.
(c) A beetle.
(d) Their blankets.

12. What lands on Margery's hands after she scaled the mountain barefoot just before they were to leave for good?
(a) A carabid.
(b) A golden beetle.
(c) A hot pink scarab.
(d) A silver weevil.

13. What did the Professor introduce Margery as when he took her to tearooms?
(a) His niece.
(b) His partner.
(c) His mistress.
(d) His granddaughter.

14. What item of Mundic's does the British consul keep before releasing Mundic and telling him to report back in one week?
(a) His passport.
(b) His shoes.
(c) His suitcase.
(d) His notebook.

15. What does Enid name her daughter?
(a) Margery Pretty.
(b) Gloria Benson.
(c) Percy Benson.
(d) Margery Collett.

Short Answer Questions

1. What types of flower do Enid and Margery find on their third trek up the mountain in Chapter 30?

2. How did Professor Smith react when Margery told him about the golden beetle?

3. What does a server at Mrs. Pope's party say has gone missing after she tells her friends she does not trust Mundic in Chapter 34?

4. What do the British papers refer to Margery as when they describe her as Nancy Collett's accomplice?

5. What does Enid tell Margery she stole from Taylor before leaving him?

(see the answer keys)

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