Miss Benson's Beetle Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Rachel Joyce
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 171 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Miss Benson's Beetle Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Rachel Joyce
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 171 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Mundic do the day Margery leaves for her trip with Enid?
(a) Shoots himself.
(b) Goes to the school where she worked.
(c) Breaks into her house.
(d) Takes the same train to Tilbury.

2. Where does Mundic follow Enid to when the ship ports at Aden in Chapter 11?
(a) The phone booth.
(b) The Royal Hotel.
(c) The Royal Casino.
(d) The woods.

3. In whose letters does Margery think she has found proof the golden beetle exists?
(a) Thomas Edison.
(b) Ralph Waldo Emerson.
(c) Charles Darwin.
(d) Henry David Thoreau.

4. What does Margery tell Enid Pretty to avoid packing when she writes her a letter offering her the job?
(a) Brightly colored clothing.
(b) High heels.
(c) Weapons.
(d) Binoculars.

5. What does Enid buy in Aden, which Mundic finds suspicious in Chapter 11?
(a) A radio.
(b) A wig.
(c) A new coat.
(d) A pack of cigarettes.

6. Why is Mundic glad to know Enid left Margery when they arrived in Brisbane?
(a) He did not like Taylor.
(b) He could be her assistant now.
(c) He wanted Margery to be abandoned.
(d) He hated Enid.

7. What is Enid's real name?
(a) Nadia Coleman.
(b) Noelle Colbert.
(c) Nicole Colter.
(d) Nancy Collett.

8. What does the letter Margery finds under her door in Chapter 3 from her school say?
(a) She can come back to work when she is ready.
(b) She can have her job back if she returns the boots.
(c) The police have been notified of her theft.
(d) They understand her stress and would like to help.

9. What does Enid tell Margery that Taylor has so she must return to him at the end of Chapter 14?
(a) Her red valise.
(b) Her passport.
(c) A gun.
(d) Her wallet.

10. What is the second problem Margery encounters when they arrive in Noumea in Chapter 18?
(a) Enid cannot speak French.
(b) Enid lost her red valise.
(c) She lost her wallet.
(d) Mundic has found them.

11. What does Mr. Mundic say they will find in New Caledonia which makes Margery laugh?
(a) Tigers.
(b) Frogs.
(c) Octopi.
(d) Snakes.

12. Who is the author of the pocket guide Margery reads in preparation for her expedition?
(a) Father Philip Sebastian.
(b) Blake Rivers.
(c) Reverend Horace Blake.
(d) Homer Blackstone.

13. What is one of Enid's favorite things to talk about?
(a) Babies.
(b) Books.
(c) Men.
(d) Beetles.

14. What does Mundic begin to do after his first meeting with Margery?
(a) Send her flowers every week.
(b) Follow her.
(c) Write her letters.
(d) Ignore her.

15. What article of clothing does Margery pack for special occasions?
(a) Her best purple frock.
(b) Red lipstick.
(c) High heels.
(d) A ballgown.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who is getting closer to New Caledonia at the start of Chapter 24?

2. How long had Margery worked at the school at the time she walked out?

3. What does Mr. Mundic tell Margery about himself when she first meets him?

4. Where does the book Margery's father shows her say the golden beetle can be found?

5. What do Enid's neighbors do five weeks after she left Britain?

(see the answer keys)

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