The Misanthrope Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 275 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Misanthrope Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 275 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is one possible reason for Alceste's harsh words about Oronte's sonnet?
(a) Alceste does not like poetry.
(b) Philinte tells Alceste to be critical of the sonnet.
(c) The sonnet is obviously written for Celimene, the woman Alceste loves.
(d) Alceste wants to teach Oronte a lesson about honesty.

2. After Philinte points out who Alceste does not like, what flaw in Alceste's personality does Philinte observe?
(a) That Alceste is too critical of Celimene.
(b) That Alceste complains even if someone praises him.
(c) That Alceste is too happy.
(d) That Alceste is depressing.

3. Before Alceste leaves, what request does he make?
(a) That Philinite not talk about him after he leaves.
(b) That Philinte call him a cab.
(c) That he be allowed to leave quickly.
(d) That Philinte not follow him.

4. To Alceste, what is worse, people's false friendship or their ridicule?
(a) He doesn't know.
(b) They are equally bad.
(c) False friendship.
(d) Ridicule.

5. How does Oronte react to Alceste's honest opinion of his sonnet?
(a) Oronte crumbles up the sonnet and throws it away.
(b) Oronte cries.
(c) Oronte becomes angry.
(d) Oronte decides to rewrite the sonnet.

Short Answer Questions

1. Despite the fact that she is in the middle of an important conversation with Alceste, what does Celimene tell Basque to do?

2. Who defends Célimène in Act 2, Scene 4?

3. On their way to Celimen's home, Philinte tells Alceste that one should not blame human beings for their ______?

4. How does Alceste react to the news of yet another visitor?

5. What does Philinte do once Alceste leaves?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why is Dubios flustered in Act Four, Scene Four?

2. At the beginning of Act 5, Scene 1, Philinte and Acaste are once again waiting for Celimene. What are Alceste and Philinte discussing?

3. What is suggested by Dubios' frantic entrance and exit in Act Four, Scene Four?

4. What does Dubois interrupt when he comes to deliver the letter in Act 4, Scene 4?

5. Why does Alceste grieve?

6. What could be the reason Celimene has trouble being honest with people?

7. At the end of Act 2, Scene 4, Alceste tags along with the group going to the gallery, saying he will see which suitor Celimene sends home first. Who do you think Celimene will send home first, and why?

8. In Act 2, Scene 4, Celimene and Alceste are joined by the two marquis, Clitandre and Acaste. What are their relationships with Celimene?

9. Describe the back and forth mean comments that are masked by being fake in Act 3, Scene 4 between Célimène' and Arsinoé.

10. In Act 2, Scene 5, who do you think Éliante is referring to when she says, "When a man truly loves, he loves faults and all"?

(see the answer keys)

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