Miramar Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Miramar Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why is Hosny slightly jealous of Zohra?
(a) He isn't jealous.
(b) That she is learning to read.
(c) That she has so many admirers.
(d) That her brother cares enough to come get her.

2. Who does Hosny take driving?
(a) Mariana.
(b) Sarhan.
(c) An Italian/Syrian whore.
(d) Zohra.

3. What happened in Azhar in 1919?
(a) There is a plague that decimates the town.
(b) There is a terrible earthquake.
(c) The Nile floods the town.
(d) The British invade.

4. For what is Amer famous?
(a) As a painter.
(b) As a singer.
(c) As a journalist.
(d) As an architect.

5. Where is Amer Wagdi's old residence?
(a) Alexander Village.
(b) Alexandria's Miramar Pension.
(c) Shiramara Pension.
(d) The Naval War Vet's Pension.

6. Who was Wagdi's late master?
(a) Abu Wadi.
(b) The Pasha
(c) Zohra.
(d) Pecifion.

7. What is Amer's concern about Zohra?
(a) That she won't catch on quickly enough to her duties.
(b) That she is ill.
(c) That she may be pregnant.
(d) That her family may try to take her home.

8. About what does Amer ramble?
(a) His heroic past.
(b) What a good catch Zohra would be.
(c) That he knows Umm Kulthum personally.
(d) About his life as a journalist in Paris.

9. Who does Mariana evict?
(a) Mahmoud.
(b) Aleya.
(c) Hosny.
(d) Sarhan.

10. Who is Tolba Marzuq?
(a) Amer's former mentor.
(b) Amer's brother.
(c) A fellow lodger.
(d) Amer's old and best friend.

11. Why are Sarhan and a drunken Hosny fighting?
(a) Sarhan tried to rape Zohra.
(b) Hosny insults Sarhan's mother.
(c) Sarhan insults Hosny's sister.
(d) Hosny tried to rape Zohra.

12. What does Hosny learn about Zohra at breakfast?
(a) That her fiance from whom she was fleeing has found her.
(b) Of Zohra's intention to learn to read.
(c) That her brother is coming for her that day.
(d) That she is leaving the Miramar.

13. Who does the narrator say is an introvert?
(a) Mansour.
(b) Sarhan.
(c) Amer.
(d) Mariana.

14. What helps the group gathering?
(a) Sarhan telling a funny joke.
(b) Zohra serving limeade.
(c) Whiskey.
(d) Mariana serving snacks.

15. Which boarder is an announcer for Alexandria Broadcasting Service?
(a) Tolba.
(b) Sarhan.
(c) Mansour.
(d) Hosny.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Hosny do one rainy morning with Zohra's teacher?

2. What does Amer wish about one mistake he made?

3. About what does Amer warn Zohra?

4. Who does Hosny meet that he thinks would be worth marrying?

5. How does Marzug once arrive at a party?

(see the answer keys)

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