Miramar Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Miramar Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Hosny do one rainy morning with Zohra's teacher?
(a) Drives her to school.
(b) Takes her to Triolan.
(c) Drives her to meet her parents at a restaurant.
(d) Eats breakfast with her.

2. Who does Hosny take driving?
(a) Sarhan.
(b) An Italian/Syrian whore.
(c) Zohra.
(d) Mariana.

3. About what does Amer warn Zohra?
(a) Mansour's intentions.
(b) Sarhan's intentions.
(c) The regular checks by the city police.
(d) Tolba's mistrust of her.

4. What is Amer's concern about Zohra?
(a) That she may be pregnant.
(b) That her family may try to take her home.
(c) That she won't catch on quickly enough to her duties.
(d) That she is ill.

5. Who is Tolba Marzuq?
(a) Amer's former mentor.
(b) Amer's old and best friend.
(c) A fellow lodger.
(d) Amer's brother.

6. Who was Wagdi's late master?
(a) Abu Wadi.
(b) Pecifion.
(c) The Pasha
(d) Zohra.

7. What is the bond between Amer and Mansour?
(a) Sports.
(b) Art.
(c) Science.
(d) History.

8. Why does Hosny think he should keep busy?
(a) So he does not have to be around the other boarders very much.
(b) To keep him from doing something stupid.
(c) To earn enough money to leave Egypt.
(d) To earn enough money to marry.

9. How does Hosny relieve tension?
(a) Driving his Ford at high speeds.
(b) Racing his boat on the river.
(c) Sunbathing on the top of the Miramar.
(d) Shopping and gambling.

10. What does he think Mariana is?
(a) An aging madame.
(b) A sweet grandmotherly matron.
(c) A scheming old woman.
(d) A retired school teacher.

11. Who does Hosny drive to Mazarita?
(a) Zohra.
(b) The woman who had been hitting Sarhan.
(c) Amer.
(d) Tolba.

12. What does Wagdi recall?
(a) The time his mother sat up with him all night and talked.
(b) All the things he should have recorded in memoirs concerning his late master.
(c) The death of his wife.
(d) The birth of his son.

13. Who does Sarhan decide he is going to marry?
(a) Aleya.
(b) No one.
(c) The girl his parents have chosen.
(d) Zohra.

14. What business advice does Hosny receive?
(a) To invest in China.
(b) To put his money in Cairo, not Alexandria.
(c) To invest in the United States.
(d) To buy out a foreigner looking to flee Egypt.

15. What does Zohra begin with a tenant on the fifth floor?
(a) Art lessons.
(b) Reading lessons.
(c) Music lessons.
(d) Fighting lessons.

Short Answer Questions

1. Which boarder is built like a wrestler?

2. What does Hosny decide about Zohra?

3. Which of the boarders is a 30-year-old peasant?

4. What does Amer wish about one mistake he made?

5. What helps the group gathering?

(see the answer keys)

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