Miramar Character Descriptions

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Miramar Character Descriptions

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Amer Wagdi

An octogenarian, a former Wafdist or nationalist and journalist who returns to his beloved native Alexandria upon his retirement.

Zohra Salama

A beautiful peasant girl or fallaha from the region of Beheira near Alexandria.

Sarhan al-Beheiry

A dark, solid peasant some 30 years old, with piercing eyes. He speaks with an irritating rural accent.

Mahmoud Abu al-Abbas

A newspaper vendor in Ramleh Square in Alexandria, Egypt.

Hosny Allam

This character hails from an old country family in Tanta, where he owns 100 feddans of land, which he has let out.

Rafat Amin

A member of the Base Unit at Amalgamated Metallurgies.

Mansour Bahy

A handsome 25-year-old with delicate features that are childish and almost feminine.

Ali Bakir

An engineer and friend of bookkeeper Sarhan al-Bekheiry.

Safeya Barakat

The name used by Sarhan al-Beheiry's jilted lover.

Doreya and Fawzi

Friends of narrator Mansour Bahy during his years at the...

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