Miracle at Philadelphia Test | Final Test - Easy

Catherine Drinker Bowen
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 171 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Miracle at Philadelphia Test | Final Test - Easy

Catherine Drinker Bowen
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 171 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which delegate to the Constitution Convention is not elected as a delegate to the Massachusetts Convention?
(a) Caleb Strong.
(b) Rufus King.
(c) Elbridge Gerry.
(d) Nathaniel Gorham.

2. Which delegate makes the motion that an address to the people accompanies the Constitution?
(a) Elbridge Gerry.
(b) Rufus King.
(c) Charles Pinckney.
(d) Alexander Hamilton.

3. Which delegate argue that restrictions on the citizenship of legislators are left for Congress to decide?
(a) Charles Pinckney.
(b) James Madison.
(c) Robert Morris.
(d) Edmund Randolph.

4. Which delegate wishes to establish a national university supported by Congress?
(a) Alexander Hamilton.
(b) Elbridge Gerry.
(c) James Madison.
(d) George Washington.

5. Why is Amos Singletry opposed to the Constitution?
(a) He believes it prevents Maine from separating from Massachusetts.
(b) He believes that Massachusetts loses too much power under a national government.
(c) He believes that it offers too much to the citizens of the Southern states.
(d) He believes it favors the lawyers and the elite at the expense of the less-educated and less-well-to-do farmers.

6. How does George Washington show his approval or disapproval of measures discussed at the Convention?
(a) By smiling or frowning.
(b) By delivering long speeches.
(c) By sharing his comments with Madison, who presents them to the full Convention.
(d) By making short comments.

7. In 1787, which state is not participating in the Union?
(a) New York.
(b) Maryland.
(c) Vermont.
(d) New Jersey.

8. According to Roger Williams, what is the principle at the heart of constitutional government?
(a) Equal representation for states.
(b) The civil power, with people consenting and agreeing.
(c) The abolition of slavery.
(d) The pursuit of happiness.

9. Which delegate signs the letter to Congress as a representative of all Convention delegates?
(a) James Madison.
(b) Governor Morris.
(c) William Samuel Johnson.
(d) George Washington.

10. Which is the first state to ratify the Constitution?
(a) Georgia.
(b) New Jersey.
(c) Delaware.
(d) Pennsylvania.

11. According to Edmund Randolph, what is the purpose of a preamble?
(a) To answer questions of law.
(b) To guarantee equal access to Congress.
(c) To designate the ends of government and human politics.
(d) To demonstrate equality and democracy.

12. Which member of the Committee of Style and Arrangement is said to be unequaled as an orator?
(a) Edmund Randolph.
(b) Rufus King.
(c) Elbridge Gerry.
(d) William Samuel Johnson.

13. Why are Philadelphia's artisans and mechanics in favor of the Constitution?
(a) They believe it improves trade with Europe.
(b) They believe it makes them equivalent to the wealthy landowners.
(c) They believe it opens the Western Territories and give them a chance to own property.
(d) They believe it gives them additional opportunities to enter government.

14. What is Deism?
(a) A religious belief that god is to be found through belief, not revelation.
(b) A political movement advocating test oaths with a religious basis.
(c) The religious foundation for the state of Massachusetts.
(d) The practice of disagreeing with organized religion.

15. Who is named amanuensis for the Committee of Style and Arrangement?
(a) James Madison.
(b) Governor Morris.
(c) William Samuel Johnson.
(d) Alexander Hamilton.

Short Answer Questions

1. Which basic proposition is common to the Virginia Plan, the New Jersey Plan, and the Report of the Committee of Detail?

2. What issue is most important for the states of Kentucky and Tennessee?

3. What shocks European visitors to the Southern states?

4. Which state has only one delegate sign the Constitution?

5. By August 30th, what date has been set for the final adjournment?

(see the answer keys)

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