Miracle at Philadelphia Quiz | Eight Week Quiz G

Catherine Drinker Bowen
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 171 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Miracle at Philadelphia Quiz | Eight Week Quiz G

Catherine Drinker Bowen
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 171 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Massachusetts. The People Speak..

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why is Thomas Jefferson absent from the Convention?
(a) He is in London arranging treaties and dealing with foreign governments.
(b) He is in Paris arranging treaties and dealing with foreign governments.
(c) He is in New York, meeting with Congress.
(d) He does not want to leave his farm in Virginia.

2. Why are French noblemen amazed to find Revolutionary War officers working as innkeepers?
(a) They don't realize America have inns.
(b) In Europe, the military is a profession.
(c) In Europe, officers only own farms.
(d) In Europe, inns are run by women.

3. Which delegate moves to postpone the vote on ratification?
(a) Rufus King.
(b) James Madison.
(c) Governor Morris.
(d) Elbridge Gerry.

4. How does Hamilton get named as a delegate to the Convention?
(a) He is the governor of New York.
(b) He is a member of the ruling political party in New York.
(c) His father-in-law has political prestige.
(d) He is asked to participate by George Washington.

5. What is Dr. Franklin's proposal for payment of the executive?
(a) The executive is paid a fixed fee determined by Congress.
(b) The executive is paid a percentage of his job before election.
(c) The executive is paid a fixed fee determined by state legislatures.
(d) The executive is not paid.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where does the Convention meet?

2. Why is Amos Singletry opposed to the Constitution?

3. When the Convention opens, in which city is Congress meeting?

4. According to Edmund Randolph, what is the purpose of a preamble?

5. As described in Chapter Four, what is the main focus of the delegates' debates?

(see the answer key)

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