Miracle at Philadelphia Quiz | Two Week Quiz A

Catherine Drinker Bowen
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 171 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Miracle at Philadelphia Quiz | Two Week Quiz A

Catherine Drinker Bowen
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 171 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through The Western Territory, the Land Companies and the Northwest Ordinance. Manasseh Cutler..

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What reason does Mason give as Hamilton's reason for leaving the Convention?
(a) He is opposed to the decisions being made at the Convention.
(b) He is angry that his opinions are not considered in the discussions.
(c) He is mortified that other New York delegates don't vote with him.
(d) He has pressing family business to tend to.

2. Why is it necessary for the Western Territories to have an ocean port?
(a) It enables them to have a navy in case of war.
(b) It enables them to travel and explore the rest of the continent.
(c) It enables them to fish and expand their diet.
(d) It enables them to trade effectively with others.

3. What does Madison consider "a clear principle of free government"?
(a) Voting rights for everyone, regardless of status.
(b) The announcement and publication of all government decisions.
(c) The ability of anyone to run for legislative office.
(d) The ability of the people to elect at least one branch of the legislature.

4. What metaphor does John Dickinson use to describe his view of American government?
(a) A family, with the father representing the chief executive.
(b) A solar system with the sun representing the central government.
(c) A farm, with the farmer representing the central government.
(d) A machine, with the parts representing the legislative body.

5. Why is no argument made against Hamilton's speech?
(a) It is so extreme that no appropriate response or rebuttal is given.
(b) The delegates agree with the clarity of his thinking.
(c) It appropriately addresses all of the concerns of the delegates.
(d) It is so vague that the delegates do not understand what he intends.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Hamilton get named as a delegate to the Convention?

2. Which delegate from South Carolina claims to have a plan similar to that presented by Edmund Randolph?

3. At the beginning of the Convention, Governor Morris reads a letter from whom?

4. What question surrounds the division of the Western Territories?

5. What does Bowen consider the most striking feature of the New Jersey Plan?

(see the answer key)

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