Mindhunter: Inside the FBI's Elite Serial Crime Unit Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 116 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Mindhunter: Inside the FBI's Elite Serial Crime Unit Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 116 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Whom did Oba Chandler murder?
(a) A father.
(b) A father and his sons.
(c) A mother and her daughters.
(d) A mother.

2. Who were the Forces of Evil?
(a) A group who threatened to kill black women.
(b) A group who wanted to bomb Maine.
(c) A group who threatened to kill white men.
(d) A group who hated authority.

3. In what year did Douglas retire from Quantico?
(a) 2008.
(b) 1989.
(c) 2002.
(d) 1995.

4. The Forces of Evil were acting in response to ________________.
(a) The escape of the Stocking Strangler.
(b) The emprisonment of the Stocking Strangler.
(c) The murders of the Stocking Strangler.
(d) The FBI was unsure of their motives.

5. Why did the doctors release Thomas Vanda from a mental institution?
(a) He hurt a fellow patient.
(b) He was "cured."
(c) He served his time.
(d) He asked to leave.

6. According to Douglas, McCrary's fire-breathing dragon cartoon represents ______________.
(a) The Green River Killer
(b) Ted Bundy.
(c) ATKID.
(d) The Unabomber.

7. Who is Agent Ray?
(a) The man who caught the ATKID killer.
(b) A special agent from Atlanta.
(c) A special agent from Detroit.
(d) A private detective.

8. What celebrity did John Hinckley stalk?
(a) Denzel Washington.
(b) Celine Dion.
(c) Jodie Foster.
(d) Robert Patterson.

9. Where did the FBI display evidence in order to call attention to the case of Oba Chandler?
(a) A billboard.
(b) A museum.
(c) The beach.
(d) The side of a bus.

10. Why do most bombers strike according to Douglas?
(a) Labor disputes, revenge and suicide.
(b) Feelings of being a misfit in society.
(c) Political motives.
(d) Suicide and anarchy.

11. When did Larry Bell reveal Shari Faye Smith's location?
(a) Several days after she died.
(b) Two months after her abduction.
(c) Never.
(d) One day after her abduction.

12. What did the Unabomber target?
(a) Elementary schools.
(b) High schools.
(c) Daycare centers.
(d) Universities.

13. Why did the FBI suspect Larry Bell was a local resident?
(a) He was able to remain undetected for so long.
(b) He was seen more than once by a reliable witness.
(c) He knew the local hangouts.
(d) He mentioned specific street names.

14. What did Thomas Vanda's therapist know about Vanda's crimes?
(a) All the details.
(b) Nothing.
(c) Some of the details.
(d) Vanda did not have a therapist.

15. What did Douglas argue the purpose of bomb threats were in Chapter 17?
(a) Death.
(b) Extortion.
(c) Panic.
(d) Hard to trace crimes.

Short Answer Questions

1. What did the Robert Hansen case help Douglas distinguish?

2. Whose story did the grand jury listen to in the case against Robert Hansen?

3. What did Robert Hansen do to his victims?

4. What television show aided in the arrest of Oba Chandler?

5. What are the risk factors in profiling a bomber?

(see the answer keys)

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