Mind Prey Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

John Sandford
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Mind Prey Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

John Sandford
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why are the police unable to trace any of the calls from the kidnapper?
(a) He is using a cell phone.
(b) He is using an untraceable phone.
(c) He always hangs up to fast.
(d) He using specialized computer software to scramble the number.

2. Why had Mail been arrested and in jail when Andi worked with him?
(a) Theft.
(b) Attempted murder.
(c) Arson.
(d) Murder.

3. What does Mail's mysterious caller tell him about the police?
(a) That they have a composite sketch of him.
(b) That they are checking records of the boat rental place where Mail rented the boat.
(c) That they are close to finding out where he is holding Andi.
(d) That there are no clues as to where Andi and her daughters are.

4. Who does Lucas notice a growing affection between?
(a) Andi and Lucas.
(b) Manette and Wolfe.
(c) Andi and Mail.
(d) Mail and Wolfe.

5. What do Grace and Andi worry about and test?
(a) They worry that Genevieve is in another room.
(b) They worry that Mail is listening to their conversations.
(c) They worry that they will die in the cellar room.
(d) They worry that Mail will separate them all.

6. What does the chief decide to do with the information about Andi ignoring the law?
(a) Arrest the suspect immediately.
(b) File charges against Andi and her partner.
(c) Talk to the child molester to see if he is involved.
(d) Sit on it until Andi is found.

7. How does the University respond to the request to examine Andi's patient files from her time there?
(a) They tell them that they will look at them and pass on any pertinent information.
(b) They say that all of those records have been stolen.
(c) They are quick to agree.
(d) They refuse to allow access.

8. Why doesn't Grace want to walk to the car with Andi and her sister?
(a) She was injured in school and cannot walk.
(b) The three of them are fighting and she is mad.
(c) It is raining and she doesn't want to get her dress wet.
(d) She is tired from her long day at work.

9. Who is George Dunn?
(a) A witness of the crime.
(b) Lucas's partner.
(c) Andi's business partner.
(d) Andi's husband.

10. What is Andi's biggest fear will happen if she dies?
(a) That she will die and Grace will be unprotected.
(b) That he will rape Grace.
(c) That she will never be found.
(d) That he will leave her alone.

11. Where are Andi and her daughters being held?
(a) The celler of a modern home.
(b) A storm cellar in the middle of a corn field.
(c) A basement of a small farmhouse.
(d) The basement of an apartment complex.

12. Why does Grace tell Mail that Andi is sick?
(a) She tells her this so that Mail will leave her alone.
(b) She wants Mail to take her instead.
(c) Andi is really sick and needs a doctor.
(d) She is trying to get Mail angry.

13. What does Lucas find out the clue is?
(a) A tool that was used to create fires.
(b) Another word for psychiatrist.
(c) A water gate in a nearby county.
(d) Another word for a corn field.

14. What happens when Lucas is on his way to check out the clue he received from the kidnapper?
(a) He gets another phone call from the kidnapper.
(b) He gets lost and has to stay in a hotel for the night.
(c) He finds another clue in the road.
(d) He gets into a car accident.

15. Where does John Mail grab Andi and her daughters?
(a) At Andi's office.
(b) At their home.
(c) At the mall.
(d) At the school.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Lucas believe about the firebombing?

2. Where does Lucas believe Andi is being held?

3. What law was Andi apparently ignoring?

4. Where is the clue from that the kidnapper gave to Lucas on the phone?

5. Who does Lucas eat breakfast with before heading to Andi's office to check on any progress?

(see the answer keys)

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