The Mill on the Floss Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 199 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Mill on the Floss Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 199 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Stephen start having dinner at Lucy's house?
(a) To see Maggie for a little longer.
(b) To have a good meal before riding home.
(c) To see Lucy for a little longer.
(d) To talk with the Deanes.

2. How does Maggie's Aunt Glegg react to the news that Maggie comes home?
(a) She scolds Tom for criticizing Maggie.
(b) She suggests that Maggie find a situation elsewhere.
(c) She presumes that Maggie wants to stay with her.
(d) She agrees that Maggie should not be allowed in the house.

3. How does Lucy trick Stephen?
(a) She tells him that Maggie has not arrived yet.
(b) She makes him think that Maggie takes after Mrs. Tulliver.
(c) She implies that Maggie is blond and blue-eyed.
(d) She suggests that Maggie is much older than she really is.

4. How does Tom react when he is offered a share in the business at Guest and Company?
(a) He immediately accepts.
(b) He declines the offer and starts his own business instead.
(c) He tells his uncle he'd rather wait a few more years first.
(d) He asks his uncle to buy the old mill instead.

5. Is Maggie still in love with Stephen as she travels home?
(a) She realizes that she never does love him.
(b) She is slowly letting go of her love.
(c) She is still deeply in love with him.
(d) She thinks now that marriage should not be for love.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is Maggie most afraid that her father does, while he is recovering from his accident?

2. Why has Philip come to see Maggie?

3. What is the real reason why Maggie is not tired the night after meeting Stephen?

4. Where does Maggie go to live after she returns home from the boat trip with Stephen?

5. Why does Philip continue to visit the Red Deeps?

(see the answer keys)

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