The Mill on the Floss Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 199 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Mill on the Floss Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 199 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What do Tom and Maggie both fear when Tom announces to his father that he is able to pay the debts?
(a) That Mr. Tulliver refuses to let Tom do it.
(b) That Tom is tempted to tell his father about Maggie and Philip.
(c) That the shock gives Mr. Tulliver a relapse.
(d) That something happens to stop Tom from doing it.

2. How does Tom figure out that Maggie is secretly meeting Philip?
(a) He sees Maggie and Philip together.
(b) He finds a book that Philip loans to Maggie.
(c) He finds a letter that Maggie writes to Philip.
(d) He sees her face when Aunt Pullet mentions seeing Philip leaving the Red Deep.

3. Why do the aunts and uncles think that Maggie should not go back into service?
(a) The family wants to send Maggie back to school.
(b) Maggie should find a husband and settle down.
(c) The family finances are better now.
(d) The aunts do not want Maggie to travel so far away.

4. How does Philip Wakem react to the news about Maggie and Stephen?
(a) He decides that she must love Stephen very much.
(b) He sends her an angry letter refusing ever to see her.
(c) He sends her a letter saying that he believes in her.
(d) He is not bothered at all by the news.

5. Why doesn't Philip want to ask Maggie to marry him right away?
(a) He is not sure that he really wants to marry her.
(b) He does not want to offer her a life of poverty.
(c) He feels certain that Maggie does not accept his proposal.
(d) He fears that his father and her brother do not approve.

6. How does Tom force Maggie to stop seeing Philip?
(a) He sends Maggie away to another town.
(b) He threatens to take away Maggie's books.
(c) He threatens Philip with bodily harm if he sees Maggie again.
(d) He threatens to tell their father if she does not.

7. Who does Maggie finally confide in about her feelings for Stephen?
(a) Mrs. Tulliver.
(b) Her aunt Moss.
(c) Lucy.
(d) Philip.

8. Why does Stephen contact Maggie after she returns home from their boat trip together?
(a) He stops by to say that he has no regrets.
(b) He writes to say that he still loves her.
(c) He stops by to apologize for letting the boat go so far.
(d) He writes to say that he is going to marry Lucy.

9. What is Mr. Wakem's reaction to Philip's proposal after he has a chance to think about it?
(a) He agrees to meet with Tom and try to set aside their differences.
(b) He insists that Philip never associates with any of the Tullivers.
(c) He refuses to let Philip consider marrying Maggie.
(d) He agrees that Philip asks Maggie to marry him.

10. Why does Maggie resolve never to see Philip again?
(a) She thinks that he has something to do with her family's bankruptcy.
(b) She supposes that he must have many other things to do with his time.
(c) Her family does not approve.
(d) She does not like him very well.

11. What does Maggie tell Lucy is her reason for leaving St. Ogg's and taking another teaching job?
(a) She prefers never to marry at all, but just to teach.
(b) She falls in love with Stephen.
(c) She cannot marry Philip if her brother does not approve.
(d) She does not want to marry Philip anymore.

12. Which of the following statements best foreshadows Maggie's death in the flood?
(a) The historical floods that occurs at St. Ogg's.
(b) Maggie's choice to dunk her head in a bucket as a child.
(c) Mrs. Tulliver's comment, while looking for Maggie as a child, that she drows in the pond someday.
(d) Maggie's boat trip with Stephen Guest.

13. What happens to Dorlcote Mill in the flood?
(a) It is demolished and never rebuilt.
(b) It floats away and becomes the mill in another town.
(c) It is demolished but then is rebuilt.
(d) It rides out the flood with no problems.

14. What reason does Maggie give Lucy for not being tired the night after she meets Stephen?
(a) She is still tired from traveling to Lucy's home.
(b) She is still thinking of the music they enjoy.
(c) She stays up to talk to Lucy.
(d) She is not used to going to bed so early.

15. Why has Philip come to see Maggie?
(a) He wants to do something to help.
(b) He wants to be friends.
(c) He brings something for her family.
(d) He has a message from his father.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Stephen Guest steal Lucy's sewing scissors?

2. Since Maggie comes back unmarried, how does the narrator say that public opinion regards Maggie?

3. Why is Maggie admitted to society and invited to social events that are thought to be above her station?

4. How does Mr. Tulliver look when he goes to meet his creditors and pay them?

5. How does Tom react when he is offered a share in the business at Guest and Company?

(see the answer keys)

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