The Mill on the Floss Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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The Mill on the Floss Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 199 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What causes Mr. Tulliver to wake up?
(a) He hears the sound of Maggie's voice.
(b) He hears the family coming in to check on him.
(c) He hears the family fighting about money.
(d) He hears Tom opening his tin box of documents.

2. What does Tom say when Maggie offers to teach him about bookkeeping?
(a) He says that she cannot teach him because she does not know how to do anything.
(b) He says that he is happy for her to teach him.
(c) He says that she always tries to set herself up above everyone else.
(d) He says that women are not supposed to teach men anything.

3. How do Philip and Maggie become close?
(a) They spend a lot of time together while Tom is recovering.
(b) Maggie and Philip are united in their dislike of swords.
(c) Maggie begins to study with Philip.
(d) They go for walks together around the village.

4. Why is Maggie nervous about seeing Tom when he comes home?
(a) She fears that Tom is upset about being sent away to study.
(b) She wants to convince him to take her fishing with him.
(c) She forgets to feed his rabbits and they die.
(d) She thinks he forgets about her since he is away.

5. Why do you think that George Eliot chooses to begin a new book, Book II, with the chapter in which Tom first goes away to school?
(a) She has not written about Tom previously in the book.
(b) Tom has a birthday.
(c) Book I is getting long, so it is time to switch books.
(d) It relates to a different setting and a different topic than Book I.

6. How does Maggie de-stress when she is frustrated?
(a) She gets into some kind of mischief.
(b) She goes swimming in the Floss.
(c) She goes fishing with Tom.
(d) She beats up an old wooden doll in the attic.

7. What character trait explains why Tom and Maggie won't take Bob's money?
(a) Arrogance.
(b) Ignorance.
(c) Pride.
(d) Avarice.

8. What surprise does Tom bring back for Maggie from school?
(a) A kitten.
(b) Some marbles.
(c) A new fishing line.
(d) A bird's nest.

9. What helps Mrs. Glegg to feel better about her argument with Mr. Glegg?
(a) He suggests that family is more important than money.
(b) He hints that he provides well for her in his will.
(c) He tells her that they are doing fine financially.
(d) He tells her that she is being foolish.

10. How do we know that Maggie tends to be rambunctious?
(a) She likes to read books.
(b) She sits still to have her hair combed.
(c) She is always getting her clothes dirty.
(d) She manages to stay neat and clean.

11. Why does Mr. Tulliver fall off his horse?
(a) He is intoxicated after drinking too much in response to the lawsuit's completion.
(b) His horse loses its footing in the mud.
(c) He has a heart attack while riding his horse.
(d) He is shocked to learn that Mr. Wakem already holds his mortgage.

12. What is Philip's main drawback, from Tom's point of view?
(a) He does not care for fishing.
(b) He is not a pleasant person to spend time with.
(c) He is the son of Tom's father's enemy, Mr. Wakem.
(d) He already learns most of what Tom is studying.

13. How does Maggie react when Tom takes Lucy to the pond and tells Maggie not to come?
(a) She runs away.
(b) She jumps into the pond.
(c) She pushes Lucy into the mud.
(d) She begins to fight with Tom.

14. Why does Maggie come to get Tom at school during his last quarter at King's Lorton?
(a) Mr. Tulliver needs Tom to testify in the lawsuit.
(b) Mr. Tulliver wants Tom to return home in order to run the mill.
(c) Mr. Tulliver loses the lawsuit and has to give up all his property.
(d) Mr. Tulliver becomes a farmer and needs Tom to work on the farm.

15. Why does Maggie run away to live with the gypsies?
(a) She wants to buy something from the gypsies.
(b) She wants to visit a friend who is a gypsy.
(c) She hopes the gypsies take her along when they leave town.
(d) She is often been told that she is wild like a gypsy.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Tom feel about the argument with Philip?

2. Why does Mrs. Tulliver go to see Mr. Wakem?

3. What part of the book is introduced in the first chapter?

4. What does the narrator think of Mrs. Pullet's grief over old Mrs. Sutton's death?

5. Why do Tom and his friend Bob fight?

(see the answer keys)

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