The Mill on the Floss Quiz | One Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 199 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Mill on the Floss Quiz | One Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 199 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Book 6: Chapter 6 | Book 6: Chapter 7.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Mr. Tulliver feel is his strongest reason for staying and working at the mill?
(a) He has no other job.
(b) His wife asks him to.
(c) He lives there all his life and loves it.
(d) He hopes to pay off his debts.

2. How does Philip manage to get Tom excited about learning?
(a) He tells him stories of heros from classical mythology.
(b) He inspires Tom because he is so advanced in his studies.
(c) He becomes friends with Tom, who then wants to do the same things as Philip.
(d) He explains the connection between education and business to Tom.

3. Why does Lucy have a confidential conversation with her father the same evening that Philip first comes to visit?
(a) She wants to buy the mill herself and have her family run it.
(b) She wants to warn him that Maggie and Philip may still love each other.
(c) She wants to distract Maggie from Stephen.
(d) She wants to ask him if there is any chance of buying the mill.

4. What action makes Maggie and Stephen particularly conscious of their attraction to each other?
(a) They walk around the garden one evening while Lucy is out.
(b) They discover that they agree about politics.
(c) They happen to look each other in the eyes.
(d) They have a long talk about books and art.

5. What does Mr. Tulliver force Tom to write on his own behalf in the Bible?
(a) That Tom exacts some revenge on Wakem, if he has the chance.
(b) That Tom finds some other business to go into that is not as heartbreaking.
(c) That Tom takes care of his mother and sister as long as he lives.
(d) That Tom takes care of the mill for as long as he lives.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Philip begin to play the piano badly?

2. Why is Maggie admitted to society and invited to social events that are thought to be above her station?

3. What is Mr. Tulliver's opinion of lawyers?

4. Why is Mr. Tulliver in such a bad mood at Christmas?

5. What does the narrator say is the most accurate depiction of the religion of the Tullivers and the other people who live in the village of St. Ogg's?

(see the answer key)

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