Milkweed: A Novel Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Milkweed: A Novel Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Mrs. Milgrom usually do during the day?
(a) Play with Janina.
(b) Try to find food.
(c) Lie on her mattress.
(d) Read books.

2. Who else does Misha steal food for?
(a) Children on the street.
(b) His friends.
(c) The doctor.
(d) Pregnant women.

3. Who are the Flops?
(a) Jackboots.
(b) Jews.
(c) Children.
(d) Older men.

4. Who follows Misha one night when he goes smuggling for food?
(a) Uri.
(b) Janina.
(c) Mr. Milgrom.
(d) Uncle Shepsel.

5. What does Misha show Janina in the cemetery?
(a) The angel tombstone.
(b) The dead bodies.
(c) The graves.
(d) The dirt.

6. Who of the boys really believes there is a cow in the ghetto?
(a) Uri.
(b) Big Henryk.
(c) Jon.
(d) Enos.

7. How does Misha sleep every night until the war ends?
(a) He sleeps sitting up.
(b) He sleeps tied to a pig.
(c) He sleeps tied to a stable.
(d) He sleeps in a bed.

8. Where does Misha go when he has money after the war?
(a) Canada.
(b) France.
(c) England.
(d) America.

9. Who does Misha say he feeds?
(a) No one but himself.
(b) No one but the Milgroms.
(c) Whoever asks him to feed them.
(d) Whoever he wants to feed.

10. What does the man with the silver pipe invite children to do?
(a) Play with his kids.
(b) Come to his house for tea.
(c) Learn to read.
(d) Come with him to candy mountain.

11. What does Janina put under Misha's bed to mess with him?
(a) A rat bone.
(b) A buttercream candy.
(c) A Bible.
(d) A dead bird.

12. What book does Uncle Shepsel read religiously?
(a) A book of poetry.
(b) A Shakespeare play.
(c) A book on Lutherans.
(d) The Bible.

13. Who else receives food from Misha other than the Milgroms?
(a) The Jackboots.
(b) The orphanage.
(c) Buffo.
(d) The boys.

14. Whose body does Janina stare at when it hangs in front of her?
(a) Uri.
(b) Uncle Shepsel.
(c) Enos.
(d) Olek.

15. What fairytale does Misha hear about after the war?
(a) Cinderella.
(b) Three Little Pigs.
(c) Hansel and Gretel.
(d) Goldilocks.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is Misha told that keeps him from going to the ovens?

2. Which of the boys finds the bombing funny?

3. How many new people come to live with the Milgroms?

4. What do the boys do with the dead boy's shoes?

5. What happens to the cow in the ghetto?

(see the answer keys)

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