Milkman Test | Final Test - Easy

Anna Burns
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 172 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Milkman Test | Final Test - Easy

Anna Burns
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 172 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What type of weapon does the milkman continually mention when threatening to take maybe-boyfriend's life?
(a) A pistol.
(b) A machete.
(c) A lead pipe.
(d) A car bomb.

2. Jason-of-the-Names tells ma on the phone that real milkman is now in which location?
(a) His own home.
(b) The hospital.
(c) A detention facility.
(d) Jail.

3. Which of middle sister's siblings had lost her true love due to the explosion of a car bomb?
(a) Eldest sister.
(b) Third sister.
(c) Second sister.
(d) One of the three wee sisters.

4. How many of middle sister's initial encounters with the milkman does she for some time try to see as "accidental" (166)?
(a) 4.
(b) 3.
(c) 2.
(d) 1.

5. In what kind of establishment does middle sister have a contentious altercation with members of her community?
(a) A chip shop.
(b) A bakery.
(c) A newspaper stand.
(d) A church.

6. Which aspect of maybe-boyfriend's latest method of communicating with middle sister in Chapter 6 causes her to recoil?
(a) His angry tone.
(b) His physicality.
(c) His desire to control.
(d) His numbness.

7. When longest friend says she has to bring up a second one of middle sister's transgressive practices, she brings up middle sister's possession of what object?
(a) The whiskers of a rat.
(b) The ear of a dog.
(c) The head of a cat.
(d) The tail of a cat.

8. Middle sister has known longest friend since they met at what type of school?
(a) College.
(b) Primary.
(c) Secondary.
(d) Traffic school.

9. What is Semtex?
(a) A museum.
(b) An explosive agent.
(c) A holiday.
(d) A brand of tissues.

10. Who accuses maybe-boyfriend of being the milkman when he makes an attempt to contact middle sister during her recuperation period?
(a) Da.
(b) Wee sisters.
(c) Eldest sister.
(d) Ma.

11. How many months after the meeting between middle sister and longest friend at the drinking-club does middle sister attend longest friend's wedding?
(a) 4.
(b) 6.
(c) 9.
(d) 12.

12. Middle sister is shocked to hear from which character that she has been deemed a "beyond-the pale" (192) within the community?
(a) Third brother-in-law.
(b) Longest friend.
(c) First brother-in-law.
(d) Eldest sister.

13. When tablet girl poisons her family member, she had been having a delusion that the family member had constituted what kind of "aspect of herself" (219)?
(a) Unacceptable.
(b) Irresponsible.
(c) Loathsome.
(d) Shiny.

14. The gossip centered around middle sister and the milkman names which location as their favorite place to meet?
(a) An abandoned church.
(b) The chip shop.
(c) City Hall.
(d) The cemetery.

15. Who carries tablets girl's sister to his car with the intention of taking her to the hospital?
(a) Maybe-boyfriend.
(b) Da.
(c) First brother-in-law.
(d) Third brother.

Short Answer Questions

1. Longest friend reports that which character has been brought into court on charges of "propositioning holy women" (213)?

2. What accessory does longest friend wear with her wedding gown?

3. What does Jason-of-the-Names tell ma about real milkman when he calls her on the phone?

4. What practice of middle sister's does longest friend say she had consistently warned middle sister to stop performing?

5. After dogs eat the chips middle sister has thrown onto the ground, which character does she see?

(see the answer keys)

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