Mila 18 Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Mila 18 Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Von Epp respond to Funk's plan of attack in the ghetto in Part 4, Chapter 11?
(a) He laughs at Funk.
(b) He offers some suggested changes to Funk's plan.
(c) He refuses to take part in Funk's plan.
(d) He applauds Funk's plans.

2. What does the Good Fellowship Club bury in their final meeting?
(a) Valuables.
(b) Journals.
(c) People.
(d) Food.

3. What valuable information does the prison director give the Joint Forces?
(a) The names and locations of Warsaw Nazi officials' families.
(b) An escape route out of Warsaw.
(c) The home addresses of Nazi officials in Warsaw.
(d) Locations of hidden stores and information about Nazi officials in Warsaw.

4. What does Horst Von Epp say he is certain is hidden all over the ghetto?
(a) Additional people, hidden below the buildings.
(b) Weapons, in preparation for another Jewish resistance.
(c) Journals painting the Nazis in a bad light.
(d) Money and other valuables.

5. What does Horst Von Epp say he knows about Chris De Monti?
(a) That Chris is in love with Deborah.
(b) That Chris is in love with Gabriela.
(c) That Chris would kill Von Epp if given the chance.
(d) That Chris had helped leak the report to London.

Short Answer Questions

1. When the person with whom Horst Von Epp is meeting with at the end of Part 3 appears, what does he tell that individual to do?

2. What does Gabriela tell the priest in Part 4?

3. Part 4, Chapter 19 opens with the live capture of ______________ and two of his men.

4. The Communist faction of the Joint Forces attempts an escape through the sewer pipes to _______________.

5. When Chris De Monti is picked up by Andrei's men at the end of Part 3, where is he taken?

Short Essay Questions

1. How is Stephan Bronski saved?

2. Describe the takeover of the prison by the Joint Forces in Part 4, Chapter 5.

3. What happens when the Communist faction of the Joint Forces attempts to escape the ghetto?

4. Describe the situation in the Mila 18 bunker by April of 1943.

5. What is Andrei's experience in Lublin in Part 3, Chapter 7?

6. Describe the burial of the journals at the beginning of Part 4.

7. Describe Andrei's actions in Part 4 in helping people escape after Mila 18 has been compromised.

8. Describe what Chris reads about in Andrei's report on the work camps.

9. Why are the final members of the ghetto so hard for the Nazis to defeat?

10. By Part 4, Chapter 9, Funk is frustrated and embarrassed by his failures, so he turns the task of final liquidation over to Von Epp and Dr. Koenig. What is Koenig's first step?

(see the answer keys)

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