Mila 18 Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Mila 18 Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. At the end of Part 3, with whom does Horst Von Epp meet?
(a) Deborah Bronski.
(b) Wolf Brandel.
(c) Gabriela Rak.
(d) Chris De Monti.

2. How many rooms are in the bunker below Mila 18?
(a) 3.
(b) 4.
(c) 2.
(d) 5.

3. When Chris De Monti is picked up by Andrei's men at the end of Part 3, where is he taken?
(a) To an apartment.
(b) Mila 19.
(c) The synagogue.
(d) The nurse.

4. By the time Mila 18 is destroyed, how many Jews are left in the ghetto?
(a) 300-400.
(b) 400-500.
(c) 600-700.
(d) 200-300.

5. What does Koenig offer the individual with whom he meets in the ghetto in Part 4, Chapter 9?
(a) Safe passage for the Joint Forces leadership and their families to America.
(b) Safe passage to America for Joint Forces leadership, and safe passage to Switzerland for the remaining Jews in Warsaw.
(c) Safe passage to Russia for the Joint Forces members and their families.
(d) Safe passage to Switzerland for the Joint Forces leadership and others of their chosing up to 2,000.

6. Humiliated by continued defeat and berated by Himmler, what does Funk decide to do to the ghetto?
(a) Set the ghetto on fire using gasoline bombs.
(b) Pour lighter fluid around the perimeter of the ghetto, then light it on fire in the middle of the night.
(c) Throw bombs into the sewers, where he knows Jews are hiding.
(d) Use planes to bomb the entire ghetto.

7. What is 'The Final Solution'?
(a) Complete extermination of all Jews.
(b) A nuclear weapon.
(c) Complete extermination of all Nazis.
(d) A treaty to help end the war.

8. How many Jews are murdered daily, according to Andrei's report?
(a) Thousands.
(b) Tens of thousands.
(c) Hundreds of thousands.
(d) Hundreds.

9. Where is the site of the first Jewish ghetto and labor camps?
(a) Cracow.
(b) Lublin.
(c) Auschwitz.
(d) Warsaw.

10. The Communist faction of the Joint Forces attempts an escape through the sewer pipes to _______________.
(a) Lodz.
(b) Lublin.
(c) The Posnan River.
(d) The Vistula River.

11. How many other civilians and children are following Chris, Wolf, Rachel, and Ana out of Mila 18 through smaller sewer pipes?
(a) 8.
(b) 20.
(c) 17.
(d) 23.

12. What does Horst Von Epp say he knows about Chris De Monti?
(a) That Chris is in love with Deborah.
(b) That Chris is in love with Gabriela.
(c) That Chris would kill Von Epp if given the chance.
(d) That Chris had helped leak the report to London.

13. What do the two female orphans and one other individual escaping to a Polish couple have to pretend to be?
(a) Lithuanian.
(b) Catholic.
(c) Jewish.
(d) Germans.

14. As the war starts to go bad for the Germans, about what are they concerned?
(a) The stories of mass genocide leaking to the world.
(b) That countries they treated poorly will not help them now.
(c) That other countries will start invading Germany.
(d) The embarassment of losing the war.

15. How is Andrei able to get a pass into the day labor camp, Majdanek?
(a) From a Sergeant in Andrei's former regiment.
(b) Andrei walks up to a Nazi guard and announces that he is a Jew.
(c) Andrei steals a pass from a body in a mass grave.
(d) Andrei lies to a Nazi and says he has been sent over from another camp.

Short Answer Questions

1. In Part 3, Chapter 3, The Civil Authority and the collaborating Jewish Security Force have been told that each must find three Jews a day for deportation, or what?

2. Where does Moritz Katz live?

3. Who is angry and worried about the Joint Forces' success, because it is his job to stop them?

4. How many individuals are in the group formed when the Jewish factions unite?

5. What building(s) in the ghetto does Funk's plan of attack in Part 4, Chapter 11 involve taking over?

(see the answer keys)

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