Mila 18 Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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Mila 18 Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is Gabriela's relationship to Andrei?
(a) Gabriela is Andrei's boss.
(b) They are engaged in a love affair.
(c) They are cousins.
(d) Andrei is Gabriela's boss.

2. What is Mila 18?
(a) The address of the Orphanage.
(b) A brand of Jewish bread.
(c) A brand of Jewish coffee.
(d) The name of a ghetto neighborhood.

3. Although he is convinced to stay in Warsaw, where does Andrei want to take 50 of his best men to obtain arms and focus on disrupting German supplies?
(a) Austria.
(b) Russia.
(c) Hungary.
(d) Germany.

4. What skill earns Gabriela her job?
(a) Nothing. Her father is rich and bribes her way into the position.
(b) Her extensive knowledge of surrounding countries.
(c) Her extensive cooking skills.
(d) The ability to speak several languages.

5. What of Paul Bronski's does Dr. Franz Koenig covet?
(a) His political title.
(b) His wife.
(c) His fame.
(d) His position at the university.

6. What has happened to Paul Bronski in Part 1, Chapter 15?
(a) He goes crazy.
(b) He is very ill.
(c) He has lost an arm.
(d) He has lost a leg.

7. Who is David Zemba?
(a) A pianist and member of the Jewish Council.
(b) Deborah's brother.
(c) Director of the American Relief Society.
(d) The labor Zionist leader.

8. Who had Von Epp originally requested that Chris fire?
(a) Simon Eden.
(b) Ervin Rosenblum.
(c) David Zemba.
(d) Everyone working for him.

9. To what position does Franz Koenig appoint Paul Bronski?
(a) President of the Jewish Civil Authority.
(b) Deputy of the Jewish Civil Authority.
(c) Secretary of the Jewish Council.
(d) Koenig's personal assistant.

10. How is Paul Bronski's living situation different than most other Jews in Warsaw?
(a) He has already been moved by the Nazis, so the worst is over.
(b) He lives in an apartment instead of a house.
(c) He still lives with his family.
(d) He lives in a nice apartment outside of the ghetto.

11. What is Wolf's job in the resistance movement?
(a) He is a runner.
(b) He decodes messages.
(c) He runs the printing press.
(d) He records the meeting notes.

12. What was Chris' father?
(a) An American businessman.
(b) An Italian Count.
(c) A French Ambassador.
(d) An Italian Ambassador.

13. To what political party did Chris' father belong on which Chris later reported?
(a) The Communist Party.
(b) The Socialist Party.
(c) The Fascist Party.
(d) The Republican Party.

14. How does Franz Koenig feel about the recent events in Part Two, Chapter 1?
(a) He his happy about Paul's misfortune.
(b) He is unsure how to feel about everything.
(c) He is very worried about Paul.
(d) He is terrified.

15. For what is Paul's wife preparing their son?
(a) His Bar Mitzvah.
(b) His parents' death.
(c) To fight the Nazis.
(d) To be a Rabbi.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where does Paul Bronski want his estate accounts taken in order to be turned into other currencies and investments?

2. When raiding homes in the ghetto, what does the Gestapo make residents do before they are shot?

3. What does Andrei primarily need for the resistance movement he wants to start?

4. Where have Andrei and Wolf set up a printing press for their resistance movement?

5. How does Paul characterize his wife's brother, Andrei Androfski?

(see the answer keys)

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