Miguel Street Quiz | Four Week Quiz B

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Miguel Street Quiz | Four Week Quiz B

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapters 12-17, Love, Love, Love, Alone, The Mechanical Genius, Caution, Until the Soldiers Came, Hat, How I Left Miguel Street.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Big Foot's mother treat him?
(a) She beats him savagely.
(b) She protects him from his father.
(c) She spoils him.
(d) She brags about him to the neighbors.

2. What does Big Foot build during his short time as a carpenter?
(a) Two large chests.
(b) Two or three enormous wardrobes.
(c) A kitchen cabinet.
(d) A small storage house.

3. When Popo returns from his trip what does he do?
(a) He becomes angry and works constantly.
(b) He visits his friends on Miguel Street.
(c) He cheers up.
(d) He cries constantly and seeks consolation.

4. How does George treat his wife?
(a) He treats her like a queen.
(b) He beats her savagely.
(c) He's always giving her lectures.
(d) He complains constantly about her house-cleaning.

5. What had Hat's mother told him when he was little?
(a) Boy, you look like little bird, people will laugh at you."
(b) Boy, be good brother to Edward."
(c) "Boy, never laugh at people ,they no like you."
(d) "Boy, you laughing all day, I bet you you go cry tonight."

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Mr. Hereira smell like?

2. Who moves in to Toni's house?

3. What is Mr. Hereira like?

4. What does Morgan try to be?

5. What does the author accomplish ?

(see the answer key)

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