Migraine Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 104 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Migraine Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 104 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. But _________ does not believe that using medication should be the only treatment or a long term answer to migraines.
(a) Sacks.
(b) Reymond.
(c) Siegel.
(d) Gilbert.

2. That migraines might have a role in one's life is the _________, rather than the rule, according to Sacks.
(a) Basis.
(b) Exception.
(c) Theory.
(d) Attribution.

3. Sacks describes the idea of a migraine to be __________, in his opinion, though others may not share it.
(a) Painful.
(b) Enthralling.
(c) Undiagnosable.
(d) Exciting.

4. ________ turned inward on oneself, might also create a situation for a migraine to occur.
(a) Sadness.
(b) Anxiety.
(c) Happiness.
(d) Hostility.

5. The initial ________ with a patient might be limited, but this should not be the only step in diagnosis and treatment.
(a) Book.
(b) Interview.
(c) Prescription.
(d) Management.

6. Sacks concludes the book by talking about how there is a tendency for the ________ to take on specific patterns.
(a) Migraine.
(b) Doctor.
(c) Universe.
(d) Patient.

7. The first measure of management that is brought up for migraines is the use of _____________.
(a) Vomiting.
(b) Sleep.
(c) Exercise.
(d) Medication.

8. Some researchers believe that a migraine is akin to a ________, with being a release reaction to a specific situation.
(a) Bellow.
(b) Cough.
(c) Movement.
(d) Sneeze.

9. Physicians, according to Sacks, often make ______ decisions based on impertinent, improper, and irresponsible interpretations.
(a) Hasty.
(b) Believable.
(c) Tactile.
(d) Correct.

10. Sacks points out that many doctors and patients are still looking for the _____________ to help with migraine pain management.
(a) Wonder regimen.
(b) Best environment.
(c) Right book.
(d) Wonder drug.

11. Sacks says that there are some patients who will not allow him to treat them in any other way, he will only treat patients in 'the only way they ________.'
(a) Try.
(b) Manage.
(c) Understand.
(d) Allow.

12. Sacks says that people with fewer than ________ events per year is in need of less extensive interviews than others.
(a) Five.
(b) Three.
(c) Ten.
(d) Two.

13. Sacks does not believe there is a connection with _________ being a part of the chemical reaction that takes place during a headache.
(a) Pollution.
(b) Movements.
(c) Digestion.
(d) Histamines.

14. One of the categories of drugs is aimed at the __________ of the migraine, according to Sacks.
(a) Movement.
(b) Outcome.
(c) Definition.
(d) Mechanism.

15. Careful monitoring of __________ will also be helpful for those who want to make sure they are minimizing their risk of migraines.
(a) Food intake.
(b) Medications.
(c) Exercise ability.
(d) Toxins.

Short Answer Questions

1. The ________ with which the patient should be seen depends on the tendency toward the migraines, according to Sacks.

2. An important part of migraine treatment, according to Sacks, is to give the body the _______ it needs in order to make it through the event.

3. Migraines might also have some specific _________ in one's life, according to Sacks, filling a role the patient needs it to fill.

4. Another uncommon drug therapy for migraines which has been prescribed by Sacks is _____________.

5. The intensity of pain of a migraine might be relieved by manual __________ of the arteries which are being affected.

(see the answer keys)

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