Midnight Magic Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Avi (author)
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Midnight Magic Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Avi (author)
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Teresina say about how the ghost communicates with her?
(a) By pointing to words in a book.
(b) The ghost speaks directly into her mind.
(c) By non-verbal communication.
(d) By automatic writing.

2. Where does Mangus go after talking with Teresina?
(a) The an area where Teresina sees the ghost.
(b) To speak to the King about Scarzoni.
(c) To speak to the Queen about the wedding date.
(d) To tell the King about Addetto.

3. What does Fabrizio agree not to tell Mangus?
(a) The ghost can talk.
(b) The ghost is the Princess' grandmother.
(c) Fabrizio has spoken with the Princess.
(d) The Princess wants to leave with the ghost.

4. How does Fabrizio distract the guards?
(a) Singing a ballad.
(b) Making a coin disappear.
(c) Pretending to be in a fight with another servant.
(d) Swallowing a sword on fire.

5. How is Fabrizio interrupted from his activity?
(a) Someone shakes him awake.
(b) Someone knocks on the door.
(c) The cook slaps him.
(d) His master yells at him to leave his food in the kitchen.

6. Who else has seen the ghost?
(a) Her nanny.
(b) Her brother.
(c) One of the ladies-in-waiting.
(d) Her dog.

7. According to Teresina, where is her brother?
(a) In a monastery.
(b) At a school.
(c) On a mission to Rome.
(d) Dead.

8. What does Mangus say about everything?
(a) He thinks Fabrizio has made it all up.
(b) He offers a few theories.
(c) He wants to tell the King immediately.
(d) He has no reply.

9. With whom does Fabrizio talk while he is in the halls?
(a) The Princess.
(b) A guard.
(c) A servant.
(d) A page.

10. Where does Fabrizio's guide direct Fabrizio?
(a) To a secret stairway.
(b) To the attic.
(c) To a secret door.
(d) To a hiding place in a hidden passageway.

11. Where does Fabrizio encounter a number of guards?
(a) In the stables.
(b) In the chapel.
(c) No where.
(d) Near the Princess' apartment.

12. What does Mangus reply to the person who wants to speak to him?
(a) To leave and not return.
(b) To speak to the King.
(c) To wait.
(d) To return in a few hours.

13. Who is Teresina?
(a) Mangus's daughter.
(b) The Princess.
(c) The Count's daughter.
(d) The Queen's lady-in-waiting.

14. Who does Fabrizio encounter while walking back to Mangus' rooms?
(a) Scarazoni.
(b) Addetto.
(c) The Queen.
(d) Lorenzo.

15. Why does Mangus chastise Fabrizio?
(a) For using magic.
(b) For talking to the Princess.
(c) For breaking the water jug.
(d) For taking money from Sophia.

Short Answer Questions

1. When is Teresina to marry Count Scarazoni?

2. Where does Count Scarazoni go?

3. What does Rinaldo tell Fabrizio?

4. What do Mangus and Fabrizio do when they are alone?

5. Whom is Rinaldo avoiding?

(see the answer keys)

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