Midnight in Chernobyl Quiz | Eight Week Quiz C

Adam Higginbotham
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Midnight in Chernobyl Quiz | Eight Week Quiz C

Adam Higginbotham
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapters 7-9.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When was the first major accident involving an RBMK reactor?
(a) November 30, 1975.
(b) December 4, 1975.
(c) September 20, 1975.
(d) October 17, 1975.

2. How much energy were the high-power channel-type reactors theoretically capable of generating?
(a) 2,500 megawatts.
(b) 2,000 megawatts.
(c) 1,500 megawatts.
(d) 1,000 megawatts.

3. How old was Alexander Logachev in 1986?
(a) 31.
(b) 29.
(c) 26.
(d) 34.

4. How old was Sklyarov in 1986?
(a) 55.
(b) 51.
(c) 53.
(d) 50.

5. In 1953, how far did a hydrogen bomb tested by the USSR turn the surface of the earth to glass around ground zero?
(a) 5 kilometers.
(b) 7 kilometers.
(c) 4 kilometers.
(d) 6 kilometers.

Short Answer Questions

1. By what time did Interior Ministry troops wearing chemical warfare suits and respirators block access to the Chernobyl plant?

2. When did construction begin on the first RBMK reactor in the Soviet Union?

3. How long after the explosion was Viktor Brukhanov called about the incident?

4. When did Units Five and Six of the Chernobyl station come online?

5. On April 26, what time did Vitalii Sklyarov get a call from the central load dispatcher for the Ukrainian grid?

(see the answer key)

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